Chapter 15

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3rd P.O.V

Soda pulls her closer. She puts her head on his shoulder, Vicky just rolls her eyes. Morgan elbowed her in the ribs. "Ow" she said quietly. I glare at her. She glares back, they both turn back to Vanessa and Soda.

"Wanna go shopping with us?" Morgan asked. "Sure why not?" They pack their stuff and walk out the door. Leaving the boys at the house talking about who knows what. But Dally speaks about a specific thing.

Ponyboy's P.O.V

Dally talks about this one girl that he say. They were wearing the same jacket, she had black hair. Her hair was in a pixie cut and she had beautiful blue eyes. To him they sparkles like the stars at night. Or even the sunsets.

Dally says he is changing his ways. He doesn't want to be a cheater or a jailbird anymore. He wants to be a loyal good person.

But it's gonna be tough for him. That's why we all decided to help Dally out. "I don't want to go to school though. She goes to school, so at least one of us is smart." He says. Darry laughs a little. I smile.

Has Dally really changed his way for just one girl? Why is this girl so special to him? I wanted to ask these questions but Dally would just get annoyed. "You can work at the DX with me, Soda, and Vicky" Steve offered.

"Ok" Dally nodded. "Or you could roof houses with Darry" Johnny spoke. "Yeah I could. I think I'll go with that. I'm not that good with math anyways." Dally sits down. "Why are you doing this for Demi? Why is she so special?" I ask.

"I don't know to be honest. I just feel like I want to be there for this girl, she was just so pretty" Dally looks up at the ceiling. "Hey Dal, you sure you want to change your ways?" Soda asked. "Yeah, I do"

Soon the girls walk in with another girl. It was Demi, just the way Dally described her. Black pixie haircut and gorgeous blue eyes. Dally stands up. "Hey Demi" he smiled. "Oh hey Dally. I didn't see you there"

She stands there in the doorway like a fool. Vicky takes her hand and pulls her in the living room. "I see you guys are watching Mickey Mouse" she breaks the silence. "Oh yeah Two-bit's favorite show of all time" Darry says.

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