Chapter 11

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Vicky's P.O.V

I don't think so. It's a baby show but if Steve likes it then I'll have to deal with it. At least he's not like Two-bit then we're cool. I mean Two-bit is a hella character if he were in a book. He'd be like Mickey this and Mickey that and Mickey is everything.

He's really cool and tough. Soda comes into the garage with Dally. "Sorry about that. Had to talk to some girls." He smiles. I roll my eyes. "Soda why don't you just get a girlfriend and she can drive away all the other girls that wanna hang out with you." Morgan points out.

"Because I like the attention. I need to make friends," he looks at her. "Well don't be friends with girls. Because you are the most handsomest guy in the entire town. They will fight over you. And trust me with someone like you, they will get what they want." I say.

"Wow. Ok umm now that sounds a little creepy but ok." Steve gets out of the hood of the truck and from fixing it and puts an arm around me. He gently kisses me on the cheek leaving a mark of oil on it. Sometimes I feel like Steve doesn't like the way Soda acts with girls I mean.

Steve's P.O.V

Sodapop wow yeah um, his a real friend he really is. He can be to into girls that he just sometimes forget about me. I feel like I'm losing my best friend over some girls. I don't want to lose my best friend.

"Soda can I talk to you?" He nods. I pulled him into a different room and talked to him about my problem. "Bro why didn't you tell me this before? I never noticed that. I'm sorry bro." He said. "It's cool man."

Now that our problem is solved we went back to the garage and continued working. Vicky and I finally finished the truck that took forever to work on. 5 minutes later we got off of work so we decided to go with the gang.

We all decided to go to The Dingo, then we would go watch a movie at the Nightly Double. We all got cheese burgers with some fries and a milkshake. Vick and I shared one cause we kinda had a small snack before we left.

Soda's P.O.V

Morgan and Pony were dating. It was kind of obvious in the first place but y'all know that we knew Pony and her were gonna date sometime. I mean, Pony talked and talked and talked about her every night.

I didn't believe that he'd make out with her on the couch and Vicky having to cause a big scene about it. They are just kids. I just can't imagine seeing Darry's face if Pony got her pregnant. He'd be in deep deep shit by then.

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