Chapter 17

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Darry's P.O.V

"Who was that?" Pony asked. "I don't know, but he was looking for Demi. He says that she's his niece. Is that true?" I ask Demi. She sighs. "Yeah it's true. That's my uncle Pat, he's very abusive so I try and stay away from him as much as possible."

"I see" I say. "But Demi you can stay here as long as you want, whenever you want. Heck you could even go live with Dally at the bar or one of the girls" I offer. "Actually I'd like Demi to move in with me" Dally smiles.

"What do you mean?" Demi sits up. "I found a place that I could afford. I applied a job at the DX yesterday and I work every week day except for the weekends for 8 hours." Dally hugs Demi. "You found a job?" Steve looks surprised.

"Yeah. And a place to afford. It's kind of like this house except it doesn't have an up stairs. It has a basement." Dally winks at Demi. Demi's mouth is wide open in shock. We all froze for a little while but we just went back to watching Mickey Mouse.

"Demi, what do you work as for a job?" Two-bit asked. "I work as a waitress at the diner across town. And Dally I think I might be able to do that in about a week. Next week is my 18th birthday." She smiles.

"I'm excited" Vicky says. "I mean you get to pack up, I love birthday parties and helping people move in other people's houses is my thing" Vanessa claps her hands together. She walks over to the fridge and brings band an armful of beer.

"Let's celebrate" She hands a bottle to each and everyone of us. We open them and cling them together as for the word 'cheers'. Two-bit stands up making an announcement. He was about to start when he hiccups.

We all laugh. "Sorry. I'd like to make an announcement. Let's celebrate to Dallas and Demi for getting a house they can afford. And to Dallas for changing his ways for a girl that he thinks is the one for him."

They both smile. Steve and Vicky are together on the floor. Vanessa and Soda are next to Vicky and Steve. Dally and Demi have the couch to themselves. Pony and Morgan are sitting on separate chairs.

Two-bit and I along with Johnny all sit together. Two-bit challenges Steve to an arm wrestling competition, of course Steve being Steve. He happily accepted, with Steve being good at it he won.

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