Chapter 21

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Two-bit's P.O.V

"..She's my friend." I say with tears in my eyes. I sat in the front room for about 5 minutes until the gang finally came in. I smiled when I gave them hugs. "I don't know anything yet. But I think she's going to be fine." I say wiping the tears from my eyes.

We sat in the waiting room for about 7 hours now. Soon the doctor walked by and said Morgan's name. We all stood up and walked over to the doctor. "Ok. So Morgan is right now currently sleeping." The doctor said.

"She will be fine. You may see her just don't wake her up." The doctor spoke. "She's in room 47." He said. We raced down the hallway into room 47. I kinda slid past her room with my shoes squeaking on the floor as I slid.

I soon caught up to the room though. We see Morgan on the bed hooked up to a whole bunch of machines. I felt bad, Why was she walking alone? I ask in my head. Where was Pony?

Pony's P.O.V

This is all my fault. Morgan is in the hospital because of me. I shouldn't have yelled at her. She didn't mean to yell at Johnny. She was just worried that the Socs might have followed Johnny home. 

"This is all my fault." I spoke. The gang turns to me. "What happened Pony?" Darry asks me. "She asked me if the Socs followed me to your guys house. I said I don't know." Johnny chimed in.

"She was worried so she yelled at me." Johnny said. "Then I did the wrong thing and instead of talking to her, I yelled at her. Then she got up and left." I said. "Damn guys." Soda spoke.

"At least you both owned up to what you did." Darry said. Johnny and I both nod. Morgan started moving and soon opened her eyes. "Hey guys." She said softly. "Hey Morgan." Vicky spoke.

Vicky's P.O.V

"Morgan I'm so sorry." Pony holds her hand. "Pony it's fine. I'm ok." Morgan speaks. "I know you didn't mean any of it." She continued.

Pony smiles and kisses her on the head. I gag and everyone turns to me. "Really Vicky?!?" Morgan yelled. "I'm in the hospital and you decide to be rude to Pony and mines relationship?!? Really?!?" She continued yelling.

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