Chapter 19

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Morgan's P.O.V

The soon after a while Johnny walked through the door. "Hey y'all. Sorry I'm late, the Socs are around town. It's getting more and more dangerous out there. We'd have to be careful if we're going out." Johnny took off his jacket.

"Oh ok. Should we call the DX?" I ask. "Why?" Pony looks at me. "I don't know just because we should tell the guys that they should look out for us when we walk over there?" I say. "Um sure I guess." Pony gets up.

He goes over to the telephone and dials the DX's number. "Hey Soda. So it's getting dangerous around town can you..." Pony spoke into the phone. I turn to Johnny. "So. Did they see you?" I asked him.

He shrugged. "I'm not sure. I think they were looking the other way when I ran here." My eyes widened. "You didn't think that they could be here and find out where we live?!" I yelled. Johnny looked at the ground.

I was mad. "Hey! That's no way to talk to Johnny that way. He didn't do anything!" Pony snapped at me. I was shocked. I was mad. I got up and walked out of the house. I started for the DX where I'd find Vicky.

I heard footsteps behind me thinking it's Pony and Johnny following me. I felt an aggressive hand on my shoulder then instantly knew it wasn't Pony. I then faced 3 other Socs. Taller than me and more muscular.

I stood in fear. I couldn't move so I just stood there and did nothing. Then one of them smiled. He knocked me to the ground and I felt a sharp pain all over my body. I open my eyes for one second and I saw the Socs beating me

That's what the sharp pains are coming from. I thought. I screamed so hard that they all ran away. Then the last thing I say was Two-bit picking me up. Everything was blurry. Then everything went black.

Two-bit's P.O.V

It was almost the end of Soda, Steve, and Vicky's break. We decided to go to the house to see if Pony, Johnny, and Morgan wanted to go to The Dingo for some lunch. We were walking down the side of the road when I heard a scream.

I wasn't sure if the rest heard it but I ran as fast as I could down the road. Then I saw a body laying on the ground and some Socs beating it. I ran after them and chased them off. I turn around and saw everyone else following.

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