Chapter 8

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Morgan's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning in Pony's bed with him in it. The front door screen had just closed. Ugh why does everyone have to slam that damn thing. "Morgan get up. I have to get to work and your coming with. Let's go hurry." Vicky said firmly. Was she mad at me or something what did I do to her that made her so mad?

I put on my clothes and started walking down the stairs. I took an apple from the ice box and ran out. I finally caught up to her and took a bite of the apple. Her face was firm and wasn't in any feeling. I looked at her in concern, "Sure you ok?" I ask.

"I don't know Morgan. You tell me. How do you think I feel when someone judged me for dating a Soc. How do you think that makes me feel?" She says. Dang. Well someone has an attitude. I thought to myself. We got to the DX, Vicky goes up to Steve and gives him a kiss. They go into the garage and work on a car. I was left with Soda. He and I filled many cars with gas.

~7 hours later~

I could hear someone rage, I look back then back at Soda. "Don't worry. They both rage when they have issues with cars. You'll get used to it." Soda assures me. I cock an eyebrow in confusion.

Then I see the gang down the street, all of them including Darry. What is going on? I thought. "Hey when y'all get off work?" Two-bit asked. "Here in about 5 minutes I think." Soda nodded. Vicky and Steve come out of the garage. "Oh my god what is he doing here?"

Vicky looks at Dally. "Excuse me?" He asked. "Why are such an asshole?" "Because I'm the one you love to hate. I'm an asshole baby." He winks at her. She goes up to him takes his hand and put it on her shoulder. Two-bit cocked an eyebrow.

She breathes in deeply and takes his hand again throws him over her shoulder. Then there were hoots and hollers coming from the gang. I clapped my hands in astonishment. "Don't ever talk to me like that ever again Dallas Winston."

She said nasty. Then she walks away from the gang. "Well looks like we're not going to the Nightly Double." Two-big says."I never said we're not going." Vicky grabs her bag. We walked to the house and we see Vicky putting on makeup. Weird she never puts on makeup I thought.

Anyway Vicky walks out the front door already on her way to the Nightly Double. We finally catch up to her, damn she walks fast. We got their, climbed under the fence like we usually do. We walked in front of some Corvettes and Mustangs. Vicky throws a rock at one and broke the windshield.

Great now a few Socs saw us. The Cherry Valance comes out. "OMG what the hell! Why did you do this to my car! Are you like mentally deficient or something?" Vicky rolls her eyes. "Valance. If I was mentally deficient. I would have missed ok?"

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