22: Asking for forgivness

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(Y/ns pov)
I could hear the grounders outside the walls rounding up the sky people. I heard the shouting,crying, and whaling of my people.....or the people I used to know. This was torture, everything was torturous. The shouts were getting louder and louder as they were all crowded in the main hall. I saw Octavia pacing around the room, I know she's trying to figure out how to deal with this situation. Then a voice was heard, Marcus voice. I could hear him explaining how they only have 100 spots and the uproar it caused in the people. Arguments, counter arguments, again and again and again!!! Until there was a voice that shouted "let's throw her out" that was accompanied by a screaming woman. Octavia had stopped pacing once she heard the scream and went over to me. I flinched a bit because of her getting so close, she gently caressed my cheek before saying " I'll be right back." She turned away and went outside accompanied by some guards.
(Octavias pov)
As expected all hell broke loose, literally. Once I had heard the scream I had walked out only to see Nila on the ground practically getting beaten by Arkadian men. I got pissed and my body guard removed the other two men while the man who was about to strike her again was met by my sword. "Nila your with me. She's safe." She went over towards me. I turned towards the crowd " You have now one less spot to fill." I said before hitting the man in front of be with my handle of my sword knocking him unconscious. I put my sword back and that's when Jaha had the nerve to speak. " Octavia, think about this. Your Skaikru. Your one of us." The last part of the sentence pissed me off beyond repair. I clenched my jaw " I'm one of you?" I questioned sarcastically. I went below the rails to get up in Jahas face " You made me hide under the floor, you floated my mother, I'm not hiding now." I pushed him aside and went towards the door before he spoke again " think about this." I turned back "All of the other clans have chosen their survivors, every other clan, Skaikru is not different. You have until midnight, choose or you all die." I went back to the hallway thinking about everything that just happened. Afterwards I went to check up on Nila who was sitting on a box with a wet towel on her face. I kneeled down in front of her "are you okay?" " your scared,we all are. It's human nature to fight, I'll never forget what you did for me." Then it was interrupted by Indra. " A word Octavia?" I looked at her and went to her " I fear this will get worse if Skaikru can not decide. You know this has to end" I felt weakness coming in " what if I can't do it." " you have no choice, there is no going back." She went away after I had put my concerns on the table.

(Y/ns pov)
After Octavia had dealt with the crowd outside she looked tired. She looked at me and shook her head. She came towards me and hugged me, something she hadn't done in a long time. " Your name and our child are the first ones on the list to be guaranteed a spot." My eyes widened and it made me think of all the other people in Akradia who have children. I broke away from the hug "Octavia you can't-" her eyebrows furrowed " Did you think I wouldn't put you up there!?" She scoffed and continued " Your not going anywhere Y/n, I love you too deeply for that." She kissed my cheek and stared at me with adoring eyes. "When will you forgive me, how much time will it take??" I looked back at her, it had been the first time she mentioned Lincoln in front of me after she murdered him. I stuttered " I don't know if I can." She sighed and laid her head on my belly. "It's not good for you to have this stress your carrying. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." " Would you had been sorry if I didn't care about him?" She was shocked by my response. It had been the first time I had talked to her in a while and on top of that looked into her eyes. "I-I" "Don't tell me a lie Octavia, we both know your answer." She bowed her head down in shame kissing my pregnant stomach. " I just need you to trust me." "I did back then but now I'm not so sure" she looked heartbroken by my statement. " what happened to the guard who protected me on the ark and loved me unconditionally?" " I don't know, what happened to the girl under the floor who promised to never hurt me?" She just stared at me baffled. "Y/n please. I never meant to. I just wanted to be loved by you. That's all I ever wanted." It was the first time I heard her plead. " so did I, just not like this." She came up to me and looked me in the eye while caressing my face. " I'll do my best to be better for you, for them." She touched my stomach " I promise." I just stayed quite, not knowing how real that promise is. After sometime of us spending time together and just holding eachother we hear shouting. We both look at each other. " It sounds like they are saying fight Octavia." She nods and grabs her sword again. God I never know how many people she's slaughtered. She pecks my lips this time and hurried outside.

(Octavia pov)
I hurriedly walked down the hallway with my guards where I see Indra and her guards walking towards me. "We found a Skaikru armory. They are our guns now. We can't wait any longer, your orders. I'll be right beside you." "Let's do this." Grounders were now armed with guns. We all walk down near the arena. I ready myself for the horror that's about to happen. Indra looks at me " I'll do this for you." I quickly deny " No, my people my responsibility. Now." I say to the guard to open the door. It opens and I'm shocked by what I see. Everyone is one the ground, there's smoke in the room....tear gas. I walk in and see Jaha and Marcus in masks. I look over the sea of people that are unconscious. My guards lower their weapons. I walk around seeing the countless faces of my people. The guards start to take the bodies of the unconscious people away outside. Jaha picks up a blond child who's father was taken away. I couldn't handle to see it any longer. It reminded me too much of Y/n and our child, I couldn't bear the idea of me splitting away from them. They mean too much to me.

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