Dreams Do(n't) Come True

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Alright, first chapter of this. For any of you who don't know what Bendy and the Ink Machine is, it's a game full of jump scares about an old cartoon studio that created an ink machine to bring their characters back to life. Needless to say, the game shows why some things should exist in the 2D world only. Enjoy.

3rd person POV:

The day had starred rather early for the Midoriya house. The day was Saturday, so that meant a morning of classic cartoons for young Izuku Midoriya. "Hehehe." Izuku watched while snickering a bit at a mouse hitting a cat's foot with a giant mallet to make his eyes pop out of his head. "Breakfast is almost ready Izuku." His mother Inko came into the room to notice her son strangely covered in ink. "Izuku, how did you get all that ink on you?" Izuku looked down to notice himself covered with ink head to foot. "What happened?" Inko grabbed a rag to pull some of the ink off his face. "We're you playing with pens sweetie?" "No mom. I don't know why I have ink on me either." The two looked at the ink as it seemed to be seeping out of Izuku's hands. His mother sighed before beginning to go for another rag. "Keep this rag on your one hand and I'll grab a second for your other."

She walked into the kitchen to grab one from a drawer to return to Izuku. When she did, she saw a second rag in his hands. "Where did you get the second rag?" "I don't know. I just thought of it and it was in my hand." Inko went to touch the rag before it turned to ink. 'I wonder.' "Izuku. Can you think of a rag again?" The young boy did as his mother asked for a blob of ink to form in his hand before it took the shape of the object he was thinking of with color coming after. "Wow! I just thought of it and it's in my hands!" "I think we need to make a trip to the doctor Izuku." "Yeah, that sounds right to do." The two looked around hearing an unknown voice. "Who said that?" The ink on Izuku's body pulled away from Izuku to take a shape of what looked like a cartoon character brought to life.

 "Who said that?" The ink on Izuku's body pulled away from Izuku to take a shape of what looked like a cartoon character brought to life

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"I did." "AH!" Both panicked before jumping away from the demon looking ink creature. "Ay, relax. I ain't gonna hurt ya. The name's Bendy and I'm a figment of Izuku's imagination that came to life with his quirk." Izuku began remembering an old imaginary friend he had that resembled Bendy. "So the people I make in my head can come to life?" "Sorta. As far as I know, ya can't make a livin person and folks like me think and act the way you tell us to." "As far as you know?" "Yeah mam, I only know what Izuku knows about the quirk so far." Inko began to go into the kitchen before making a call for an appointment with the quirk doctor. Thankfully, their doctor could fit them in that day for them to have enough time to eat breakfast and take a little time to get ready. Inko finished the call to come into the room to find two other cartoon looking characters that looked like a woman with horns and a halo and a wolf with trousers on. 'Something tells me that this may be a common occurrence in my house from now on.' Inko was a little worried since very little was known of Izuku's quirk at the moment, but didn't put much thought in it since he seemed to be happy at the moment.

A few hours later at the doctor's office

"Well Mrs. Midoriya, it seems your son has quite the unique quirk." A doctor spoke to the mother and son while reading the results of what he found. "Seems your son's quirk is called Ink Maker. A quirk that allows him to secrete ink as if it was a natural product in his body that can also take the shape of whatever the user wishes. The drawback is that only he can touch these items unless it is something he willingly allows someone to touch." "So all he needs to do is think of what he wants, and the ink will create it?" "For the most part, but it's still ink no matter what he makes. He shouldn't think this as a way to make food or money since it won't work properly in that factor." "Aww man, so I can't make an endless supply of katsudon." The adults laughed at Izuku's sadness knowing he won't have the ability to eat his favorite meal for every meal before the doctor continued.

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