Chapter Twenty: What The Heck Just Happened?

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~~~PART TWO~~~



"No way, you're not serious. You can't be serious."

"Why would I not be serious?" I asked.

I was currently walking out of 'The Hawk' theater, with Steve walking in step beside me, while Nancy and Jonathan walked behind us. Steve and I had been screaming at each other for the past ten minutes since the credits of 'The Karate Kid' rolled, earning dirty looks from the people around us and amused ones from Nancy and Jonathan.

"Because Johnny Lawrence is the villain. That's literally the whole point of his character, he's the bad guy." Steve said, pelting leftover popcorn at me.

"He's not a villain, he's just made a lot of bad choices." I argued. "That's the whole point of him giving Daniel the trophy at the end, it shows he's not all bad. And aside from that, of all the times Daniel got beat up in the movie, at least one of those times was his own fault."

"Which one was his fault?!"

"Halloween!" I exclaimed. "Johnny had strict instructions not to touch him until the match, and that scene was like two months before Halloween, which means that Johnny hadn't touched him in two months, and then Daniel just decides to turn a hose on him? For no reason, just because he stumbled upon him? That was entirely his fault."

"Ok, you know what I think Barbie, I think you analyze these movies, and their characters way too much." 

"Yeah, well I don't think you analyze them enough HAIRington. But then again, I suppose that's not your fault. You simple don't have the comprehension."

"Oh yeah? Comprehend this." Suddenly his half-full popcorn bucket was on my head, and I had popcorn and butter all over me.

"STEVE!" I shoved him full force as he laughed, taking it off of my head and pelting it at him, attempting to pick popcorn out of my hair.

"Honestly Barbie, Popcorn's a good look for you. You should wear this more often." I shook my head, glaring at him.

"You're actually the worst human being on the planet."

"Oh yeah? Well there's this little thing I want to introduce you too, it goes on the wall, or it can be handheld, its called the mirror, Blondie. I highly suggest you take a look inside it." I rolled my eyes, stopping beside our cars and turning to look at Jonathan and Nancy, who were watching us.

"Do you ever get the feeling that when these two are together, everyone else ceases to exist?" Nancy asked, cocking an eyebrows.

"Oh please, Nance. You're just jealous that your best friend likes me more than she likes you." He ruffled my hair and I shoved his arm off.

"Do you have another best friend that I should know about? If you do, can you point me in her direction so I can lecture her about getting some better taste." I shot back, smiling. "Anyway, as fun as this was, I've gotta get home."

"Come on, do you have to?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I have to go figure out what to do for dinner." 

"We can just go get food! Come on, you never stay out late to hangout with us. We're seniors, and nine times out of ten you're home in bed by 8:00."

"Have you met my dad?" I asked. "For someone who's so good in a crisis, if I didn't cook, the man would drink a twelve pack of beer and call it a meal."

"Your Dad's a grown man, he can feed himself." Jonathan tried. I shrugged.

"Sorry, guys. Maybe next time. Bye guys!"

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