Chapter 22 {Each Tale Has A Beginning}

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~ Cynthia's P.O.V ~

"Cynthia Claremore! Oh, what an absolute honour to have you here!"

I quickly hid my grimace with a polite smile and tried to look happy for the woman. She was an older woman with very irritatingly familiar orange eyes. Though she had dark brown locks of hair instead. This woman had immediately greeted us when we first arrived. A great big smile was smacked right on her face.

"She's the Countess of the Ivan Household...Lady Felicia" Erina whispered into my ear. I nodded in understanding, realizing who this woman exactly is. I bet it has shown on my face since Erina quickly whispered once again, "please remember your manner!" She looked at me in warning. Yeah, probably should heed that warning. Don't wanna accidentally offence a Countess.

"Please", I practically forced out a smile as I politely curtsy at her. "It's my honour to be graciously invited here"

That seemed to please the bloody woman as clear pride flashed through her face. Damn, how the hell did Kathryn stand this woman?

"Of course, my dears— " I grimaced at that, her voice had pitched on it. "-as nobles, it's just natural for us all to connect and mingle with one another" she had actually dared to send a cold glance at Erina. This fucking bit—

"Oh, you're finally here. Good" Kathryn suddenly appears, breaking me from my mental rant. Oi, when did she get here?!

"Yumi has already arrived. We were waiting on you two" she had grabbed hold onto my arm with another hand taking Erina's.

Obviously, this surprises the Countess but seems like she quickly got over it as she glared at our green-haired friend. If only look can kill then Kathryn would be six-feet under. I mentally snickered at this, seeing the look on her face. Oh how much I wish to flip the bird at her.

Anyhow, Kathryn simply ignored her and continue dragging us to what seems to be a library. There was Yumi, sipping on tea while reading a book, probably had been reading it for a while as she waited on us. Never seen her without a book or tea if I come to think about it.

"You know, if I knew we were going to a library then I would've just stayed at home" I deadpanned. Yeah, I could've taken a nap instead. Such a waste of opportunity.

Kathryn sighed at me and didn't complain nor make any other remark. Odd, she would've. Instead, the green-haired girl just went over to a desk and slammed a leather book right on top of it.

"This is why I called you here" she gestured to the book she had brought out. So, I guess this book is such of a big deal for her to not make a remake. I glanced down to it, it looked old with its paper wrinkled yellow with age. Though what seems really strange was that the black leather of the book's cover was void of any unusual.

I blinked at it, "and it's a book" I had even titled my head. Despite the uneasy feeling that I'm getting from it, I don't see much to it.

"Yes, it is a book" Kathryn rolled her eyes. "Thank you, Captain Obvious. Though I doubt I would call you all here just for an ordinary book" she hissed.

"Then why did you call us over?" Erina stepped up and concluded. "Though I suspect it involves this book. Maybe something that's a concern us or either anything of the sort"

"Yes, thank you, Erina! Finally, someone who's asking the right questions!" Kathryn threw her hands up and smiled gratefully at the blonde maid.

I coughed, "rude" though obviously, it was ignored. No surprise there.

"From what I went through? I have absolutely no doubt that this book could be....a magic book" she bit her lips. Eh?

"They're books that are infused with magic" Erina suddenly stated. I looked at her in surprise which she only returns with a soft smile, "you seem confused"

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