chapter 1

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I remember him so well. His hair was like a dark cold night. He always smelled like cigarettes smoke, and he was so sweet like candy. I never knew how I could ever talk to him. I would all ways get lost in his eyes. His eye looked like they were from where I was, but at the same time, they twinkled like they were from heaven.

I don't know how we fell in love. Devils and angels aren't allowed to see, speak, touch, or most important fall in love together. I know he had sinned so many times, but still, he was an angle. I never understood that. I wish he could have fallen so we could stay together. Then again when you are an angle all of the small sines are forgiven because no one is perfect.

Ok, now to get into the story. It was on the edge of hell and the start of heaven, and night for hell and day for heaven. He always was there to smoke so no one could see because smoking was a sin. I watched him for days without being seen. I spent hours gazing into his eyes. They took me to a place that so dark and so much pleaser. It gave me a sweet rush to know something so bad could be so good at the same time. With one glance at him, he was stuck in my head all day.

I did this for mouths never telling a soul or I might be put to death or worse be sent to a place where the only thing I felt was pain, by Saint. He only had one rule and that was never to fall in love with the angles. He hated angle for outcasting him for falling in love with a human. Or thats how the story is told. So I just watched in tell the day I wanted more than just his eyes. I wanted to listen to his voice to speak to me, to call out my name.

Then the day came in sted of hiding. I was sitting on the edge looking up at the glittery blue sky that always stade in their skies. He walked up looking down and ever noting that I was there. He went to poll out a cigarette and lite it up with his favorite litter back then. I felt like I need to say something then or it would never happen at all. I feared what might happen if  I never said a word. Like 5 minutes in tell, he said hello but in those 5 minutes it felt like 5 years gone by.

"Hello" He called out

I froze, didn't know what to say; freaking out inside because he said something to me. He said hello to me a devil. Then and there I knew he should have been a devil too.

He then rolled his eye and turned around.

" Hello and I'm sorry you just surprised me" I jetted out.

"Hahaha, and your the one that is mean to be rude" he laughed out

" yah" I whispered out feeling so shy and stupid

"Mmm, you look like someone," he said with a blow of smoke coming out."Do you come here all the time ?"

"Why," I asked wounding if I never hide as good as I thought I did.

" Well, I have a cutie all was watching me... are you look like her with dark gold hair and midnight black horns," he said so lovingly.

"Yeah and what if I was that cutie, what would you tell me," I said so coldly

" Well first I would ask her what her name and why is it she never spoke a word to me"

" oh, I was always scared that you never speak back."

"Really I could never ignore a lovely girl like you."

" well I am Angle"

"Wow how did you end up with that name"

"My parents wanted me to be an angle so they thought this would be the closed thing"

" It so adorable for you"

"What's your name"

"Its Demon"

We sparked together and I got lost in us talking together I forget the time. I heard my name called. I said goodbye and ran away. I hated doing that I wanted to stay there for the rest of the day with him. Running home was so painful. But I had to because it was time to go to the roly parity so the king can find his new pet. Sadly I was one of the handpicked to see if I was his taste. I would die if I was the one this time, knowing Demon felt the same for me.

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