chapter 18

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I have learned to like heaven. It's different from hell, but I have learned to adapt being up here. I still don't know where Demon is. I miss him so much. I hope I will see him soon.

I don't know why but it seems like everyone is happy I am back escatped my sister that I had. All she ever does is give me the death stair. I understand why, she been preparing to be queen when some strange person takes it away from you because she is long lost first born you never thought you would see again. I would be pissy too, but you think see be happy to meet me. No not at all.

I just leave her be. Nothing will come from making her mad. I will say this you think being queen isn't that hard work. Its like the same thing over and over again. I wake up, eat breakfast, then go to my offices to see who the newest people are dead. I read about. I then take then group of newbies to the courtroom so I can judge them to see if they can stay

Yes it's not hard. It's just long, and on top of that I have to hold a monthly party. Then also keep track of the heavens kingdom too. At this point I will never be able to find Demon.

If I can't find him in less than two mouths,I am going to be forced to marry Asrar. I want to marry someone I know and fall in love with so it means something. What's the point in marrying someone you don't know. How do you know you work great with them?

I shake my head and get back to reading about the people. I call for a servant. I was getting hungry. I need lunch. The little servant popped her head in and asked "what do you need my queen", with a sweet innocent smile. I told her to go get me a sandwich and a pop of whatever. I really didn't care.

" My queen, what type of sandwich would you like?"

Something anointed me with her, and when I asked for something in hell then just nodded and walked away. I just wanted something to eat and had no time for this.

" Just something I don't care about, ok?" I said rude but I tried not to yell at her. She then looked at me scared. She squealed an apology and ran out of the room.

" You know, she is only a small innocent child?" A voice spoke from the doorway.

"Yes, but I have work to do,and what I asked was a simple thing. She didn't have to make it such a big dile, or even make me mad. I tried not to sound that mad but it came out how it did."

" yay, but you need to learn to be loving to every one, even if they piss you of my queen." he responded to me. I wanted to know who this guy was. He seemed sweet. He seemed kind to the heart. But with Me and men I shouldn't be fooled by it. All the people I knew painted a great act.

"So what's your name?" I snapped at him.

"My queen ," he starts to say,then down on one knee he goes on to say" I am sir Asrar." He saw the shock frose me for a monet. I could tell something broke inside of him.

" yes I know of you." I responded with no emotion. I don't want him to see how much I didn't want this again.

" So, you know what's going to happen. But I just wanted to know if you remember us," Asrar stopped, I could feel him braking even more in front of me. I wanted to know what he was talking about, and why this whole thing was tearing him up. Please tell me ,we didn't fall in love at that age I can't remember. I can't take loving another person right now. He then finally got control of his feeling and asked me, " do you remember us before you were taken at all. I thought we were in love with each other."

His eyes glowed bright with hope. Hope that there's still something here. Hope that I never forgot. I wish I could say yes, I didn't want to break him even more. To me i didn't even know this man in front of me. How was I to tell him that, or that I have fallen in love with someone else over these years. I feel like there was something here.

Something when I was a ture angle. This feeling right now made me think why am I here. My sister should be here not me. I lost this life long ago. I want Demon, I want Lucifer, And I want Leo.

I know what he did to me ,but there was no denying it. I wanted him so much. I wanted all of them. For the first time to me it felt like home. Here I am out of place. I was made at an innocent child just because she wanted to know what type of sandwich I wanted.

" I can't, Not now,not again." I shouted. I stared into Asrar eyes. I shake my head.

His eyes, the way they looked at me. He knew what I was doing. It was like he had dealt with me so many times.

He pulled out his phone, and dialed a number fast. In minutes my sister showed up she was pissed at me. Tharing in to my soul. I shivered because of it.

" Lady Caroline, I must thank you for giving your queen a brake."

I had no speech. He pulled my arm down the hall. He kept a tight hold of my hand. Then when we went outside he pulled me close to him and jumped. I had a thought, why is it when I get all panicked like this a guy flyes with me in the sky?

I squirted out of his hold. That was not happening again. The last time that happened I fell in love with the person.

I started to fall, instead of wanting to die I started to fly high in the sky. I could read off of him that he was a little sad not to carry me. But I knew he wanted to take me somewhere so I followed him.

We landed in a place I knew, but it was weird being on this side. He watched me as I went over to a rock when Demon always leaned onto. The grown was trashed with cirget buds. Not looking at him I watched in hell waiting to see Demon appear.

" he's not coming, He told me that he doesn't want to make your life here bad. I can tell you want him so much."

"Why bring me here just to tell me that." I was about to cry from his words.

" Because, This place is not just his,and yours. It was ours. I did the same as Demon. I waited each day for you."

"I can tell you know I don't remember you, so why tell me."

" Because I want you to know I still will always love you." Asrar then looked at me and pulled me close for a hug. It was too close for me. If he wanted to he could kiss me. I didn't know him or even love him. I wonder how he could hold on to his feelings for me for 16 years now. Asrar then leaned down and kissed me. I felt eyes on us when he kissed me. I pulled away to find leo with black wings like mine.

Asrar pulled me behind him fast. He acted like I was in danger, and I was his lover needing help. He was pissing me off so much.

" So you found a new lover I see Lady Angle."

" n.." I started to say when Asrar interrupted me.

"Yes, she is so happy with me." he pulled me closer. I push him off me and yelled at him " Leo..." I didn't know what to say. I know I still loved him. But he betrayed me.

"Angle don't say a thing, I know you love him. It's fine to stay with him. He loves you so much."

" I must know, was it my mind playing with me or did you really write the letter to me."

" Angle, I had never written it, but I was going to when she took over. I want you to know. I really fell in love with you ,and didn't want to do the plane any more." Leo then walked off.

I stared at Asrar pissed. Now over in heaven my eyes are gold not a devil red. I could feel his fear running off of him when my eyes went red. My wings were fully out.

In a deep dark voice I say " I am not that child you remember, and I am not yours at all."

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