chapter 14

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The look Lucifer gave me it was so, how do I put it? Oh then Leo was so shocked with whos name I said. Demon, I pictured a different look on his face then what he showed. I then wrapped myself in the arms of my new lover. I smiled lovingly at him. It was really nice being there in his arms in the middle of the room. I cuddled up to his cheese and smiled to him.

In a soft warm voice I hear " I love you angle."

"I love you too." I say with a bright smile. Then went on to say " this moment, I want it to last forever"

With a smirk of a grin coming on his face he tells me " Princess I can make that happen." then picking me up like a bride. Gave me like a thousand kisses.Then he laid me down on the bed in Leo's room. Staring up into his eyes, I seen a place with so much pulsar and pain. I wonder if he could see what I was feeling in my eyes. I was scared that I had made the wrong choice. I was scared if this would end up like my parents. I was scared if It would never last.

I then look away. I couldn't do this now, Not after my feeling and thought I was having. I felt his hand brush away my hair. He was staring into my eyes. He then gave me a kiss on the top of my head , then went on to say" Can you read people's feelings?"

"Why ask me that,Can't every devils do that?"

"No, That's not a devil's trate at all Angle."

"Oh..." I wondered why I could do that and why he was asking me these questions. Did my lover know more about myself then I did? How long has he known without telling me. He then interrupted my thought and sayed," Have you ever noticed your eyes shine differently than devils in hell?"

" Why are you asking me these questions." I asked my newly made lover

" Because you need to know your parents aren't your real ones."

"What, wow do you know that."

" Because you need to return to your home land to take the crown, before my father takes you back."

I didn't know what to say but as he put it I could read him, and he didn't tell me a lie. My face got fire hot, burning down the whole castle. I could see that he was scared, by the change of the my eyes red to gold. My voice rumbled through the room and down the hall as I yelled " How long have you known."

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