chapter 8

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I woke up that morning forgetting where I was. I got up alone. I was a little disappointed that leos was not there. I then looked around the room. I noticed that there was a note for me on a side table for me and it read.

" I really am sorry I couldn't be there when you wake up, but need to get back to the meeting. I should be back in 8 to 12 hours. With your sleeping habits it won't be long. Oh, talking about sleeping you were so cute sleeping. I love you and wish to talk to you later about how to live a life together latter.



P.s. I love you soo much, and thankful you feel the same way."

Wow, don't know what to say. Well I now know what happened last night. But i don't know who I want. I love Demon. He was my first love ever. There's something about him I want to be with, and never forget.

But there's Leos he's so sweet. He's a bitch to anyone except me. I love that about him.

One the other hand there's Lucifer. I am his, do I really have a choice to be with the other two? But do I really want to be with him. I could find a way out one way or the other. I'm good with faking things. The was Lucifer can act towards me, it can be so lovely. That second night I really wanted to have sex with him. But at other times I wonder why I would ever want that at all? He can make my head spin so much. But he is normally always an ass hole. I hate that about him.

There's so many reasons why I want to be with each one, and reasons why I don't want to be with them. I need to find out which one I want to be with so much. One I can stay with for entirety.

I'm going to stop thinking about this. I started to flatten out the dress I was still wearing. I can't believe I was still wearing the damn thing. I then felt something in my pocket. I polled out the peace of paper with a number I wrote on. I started to think, there is a reason why it was on a hidden phone in his room. So I need to make sure I couldn't be tracked when I called it. There was no question that I wouldn't call it one bit.

I walked out of the room and wanted to make sure I wasn't seen. I don't want rumors spread about me. There's too much I could loes if Lucifer found out. I don't know what I want now so I can't risk anything yet.

Walking down the hall, I made it to my room. I got on a new dress, one a little more heavy. I then walked over to the phone in my room and my phone book. I looked for Lucifer's number to dial up. I licensed each of the rings. It took until the 5th one and said " hello, this is Lucifer and please make it quick I'm in a meeting."

" um, hey, Lucifer,It's been a while and I was wondering if I could go and see my parents. I promise I will come back." I was going to go on but Lucifer cut me off " Yah, that sounds nice. Just bring along one of the servins. Bye talk to you when I get home." he then hung up the phone fast without letting me say goodbye.

Sometimes I wonder why I like that man. Hanging up on me that fast. He's a rude asshole. I don't know what about him being an asshole and sweet makes me want him so much.

I am about to walk out of my room when a letter slides under my door. I picked it up and opened my door to see if any one was there. The hallway was like a ghost town again, on one to be fond. I put the letter in my bag and walked around to find a servient to go with me .

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