Chapter 3

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Not caring, I didn't realize I was outside. All I heard was go get the king, his pet is trying to escape again. I wonder how many have tried to escape from his hands. But then again I am not escaping, I am trying to run from my problem. I don't carry if I have to stay with him for a bit. I was going to run away to the heavens anyways. Right now I am running, running for everyone and everything.

I passed the gate, when I saw that there were people after me. What would I do if they caught me, Oh lucifer would be pissed at me. Not wanting to get caught I hopped into a taxi. I told the taxi driver to take me up to midtown. I know there were a lot of people up there this time of day. The ride was quick. The driver dropped me off at a four way course. I knew it was so busy up here and they probably wouldn't think I would have gotten out. Or think they would track the car plates I was in. So to make sure that didn't happen I hopped into another taxi. I told the new taxi driver to take me to the Fire Brig Park. That park was over where I lived.

I started to think, I look out of place with this dress on. So I asked if the driver could let me out 4 blocks away, and he did as I asked. I started to run, then feeling like I was being held back, I ripped up the dress to make it shorter to run even faster. I went to the ayle so I was hardly spotted. I did as I have before. I suncked into my room, like when I came back from watching Demon.

I opened my window, and jumped into my room as quietly. Trying not to make any noise, I throw on a grey T-shirt ,and green camo paint with a black jacket. Before I left I grabbed my emergic bag to leave with. I tasted the bag out the window, then jumped. About to run off, I remember to close the window so no one knew I was there. I then put on My black hoodie. Then making sure I had the hood up, so it would be harder to see myself.

I ran for the park. Maybe it's time, time to go over to the heavens. I have been dreaming of doing this for the longest time. But first I will go ask Demon to see what he thinks about it.

I got to the park. Still running I went down the path to the woods. I know the way to the edge from a scent point of the path. At that point I went off to my homemade path, which I hid well. I ran up the path for a bit then stopped to catch my breath. When I started to run to the point that I switched paths. I was happy I reached the spot, I felt ok and started to walk. If they tried to find me it would take them forever.

With each step I took joy rushed over me. With more joy filling me the better i felt and the less i thought about Lucifer or what he might do to me. The walk was so peaceful to me. It just brought back memories of the different times I watched Demon. Cheerful I made it to the edge.

I ran to the edge when I saw Demon and said" Hey I am here."

" Hey angle, I was wondering what was happening"

"It's a long story"

" If you want to tell, I will listen"

"Ok, well yesterday I had to go to a party to see if Saint wanted me"

" Did he?" Demon asked me shockingly and demandingly.

"Yeah, he's rude but sweet at times."

"Oh yeah I bet." Demon said like he knew how Saint acted.

"But I don't feel ok there it's like there a part missing, like it not home, Like i do with you"

"I understand but we aren't allowed to be together."

" I don't care anymore. Teach me the ways of an angle so we can be together."

" I want that too, but you gotta think of what might happen if you get caught. I would be forgiven over here, but Saint would punish you so badly. It would hurt me more to know that you got sent away, then to never be with you."

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