chapter 16

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My eyes are so heavy I can't open them, But I can hear what's going on around me. I try to call out to let them know I am awake. Sadly nothing comes out. I then realized I was in the black room in my head again. I hated this place. I haven't been here before when I was 5 and my mother, or the person that said she was my mother came and assured me that everything was ok.

This time I was alone. This time I was older. This time I was stronger. I need to get out. I wanted out. I want leo with me now. I then sat in the middle of the room thinking how did I ever get out of this place. In the back of my thoughts it said I never did, that is why its here now.

I then saw a mear on the edge of the black room. I remember this part. I walked up to it to find little me with golden eyes standing in front of me. Then two people walked up behind the little me in the mear. I looked into their eyes but I couldn't see anything.

Another mear apers the opposite side of the room now. I started to walk tordes it but the one became 3 right next to each other. The one on the left had me with Leo in it. The one on the far right had Demon and me together. Finally the one I was drawn to the most was the one with Lucifer and me together. I stuck my hand out to see if I could grab the black rose in my hand from the mear. I found I was reaching out to nothing but I felt something cut my other hand.

I looked down to find the roes in my hand, but there was one last petal standing. I then looked up to see Lucifer kiss me with a big blak dress on. Everyone around us cheard. Lucifer smiled at me with golden eyes after the kiss.

" My Roesa, I love you." he said to me. I tried to tell him I am Angle, but all I could do was smile cheerful at him. Something felt wrong. It felt like I was another person. I stared to think who could be this Roesa be.
I try hard to tell Lucifer that I was not his bride or Roesa. All he did was smile back and kiss me so much. I watched him, he was happy for once. This was the side I fell in love with Lucifer. I hardly got to see it, but It reminded me of someone, but who was it?

Then everything disappeared into black rose petals.

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