chapter 13

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WHY IN HELL WOULD YOU HAVE SEX WITH MY FARTHER? Was the first thing I heard. I jump at what I am seeing. Demon is in hell now. Could he even go back to being an angle? Questions fluster my mind. When I spot Lucifer marching this way. Oh crap I fucked things up so much.

" wait she did what ?" I hear Leo ask all of the sudden. I wanted to leave the room so badly and run from my problems, but I could never out run any of them. I stood there frozen. I could feel the fear rush to my face. What the hell was I to do at that moment.

I took a long deep breath. Then counted to three. 1....2....3. Everyone had their anger brunning eyes staring at me. " Boys..." I started off yelling then went on to say " I have nothing to say with what I did, I had no idea of what I was thinking." I hoped that might help a little.

I was so wrong Leo, Lucifer, and Demon were yelling at each other about how I was theirs. All I did was watch and question how I fell in love with each of them. I watched as the Three men argued who I belonged to. I kind of wish I had popcorn. I know I shouldn't enjoy watching this, but I did. They each made me fall in love with them more. It makes it harder for me to choies the one I want .

I then asked " Do I get a choice in my life, or am I not allowed to have a say in it?"

" Just pick one of us now, before I change my mind." Lucifer barked at me.

I closed my eyes for two seconds when I was about to say the name of the guy I was going to say before Demon came in. I stared at each of them staring them in their eyes. Most filled with love. There was only one set of eyes staring at me with the most passionate, loving, caring,and had charmed me the most. It was...

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