chapter 12

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I walked out of my room to find Lucifer outside my door. I eyed him then walked passed him. I took note that he wanted to talk to me by the way he was looking at me and following me too. I Kept a simple paced walk and cleared my mind.

" Wow, for once your mind is empty." lucifer said out of the blue.

"How much do you read it ?"

" Only when I know something is up or at night when you're thinking the most I think. Oh wait you mind never stops. It's on 24/7." he then laugh at his own joke.

" Yah, I see you're finally back from avoiding me."

" You can say that," he said without keeping an eye on me. I know I hit a nerve when I said that. I could feel a smirk coming on to my face.

" So, how long are you going to fallow me? I bet you have some work to do."

" I thought we could do something together."

I didn't want to say great let's go. I knew I had to play his game today. I was not going to show any emotion towards him. He's lost any thing I felt for him the day I got a new room. Right now I wanted to know why show up at my door at all ?

" Because," he said, then moving his body fast pining me up to that wall.

" Because, you're the only thing I want, the only thing I need, The only thing I have learned to love again." he said staring into my eyes. There was something different about him. Our eyes staring into each other I could tell, this version of his is what I feel in love with. This side of him, the side he never shows, because someone put deep cuts into his heart. The reason why I always see pain in his eyes. Then and there I had the one feeling I couldn't dare to speak, but the look in his eyes I got, I knew he knew what I was thinking...

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