Chapter 4

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I was sleeping peacefully when I felt so cold. I could feel heat rising off of something next to me. So I moved over to cuddle the warmth of the thing. That thing wouldn't mind, right? I slept really good the rest of the night.

I woke up with the moon light beaming on my face. I sat up and stretched my arms, then yoned. Feeling ok, I then realized I was cuddling Lucifer. I took a breath and got up without thinking. When moving up his hand grabbed me. I fell on top of Lucifer, landed with my head on his chest. I stayed there listening to his heartbeat. It was really nice, it was relaxing.

"So, you're awake." Lucifer simply spoke

" Yes, I guess I am." I respondent.

"So what happened the other day Angle?"

"I was a mess and needed to clear my head."

"Where you going to come back?"

"Yes, I was. I just went to a spot, I always went back home too."

" Next time, tell me first, ok."

"Ok, but I want to stay here for a bit longer." I said about to fall asleep again.

I soundly fell asleep on him. It was lovely being like this.

I didn't want to wake up for anyone or anything. I wanted to stay there for the rest of the day. I felt so great, so I don't know how to say it. I want to stay, but I want to leave. I hate feeling like this. I am a devil who doesn't know what she wants. Everyone by my age(20) knows what they want down here. I used to know what I wanted. Anymore I don't know what to do, my heart has been broken. I think i am in love with two people.

"Do you ever stop thinking?" Lucifer asked, quickly, scaring me.

"What do you mean? I...I...I don't know"

"I mean what I say, you spend too much time in your head."

I then realized that Lucifer was asleep. So did he really mean what he said? It reminded me of when he dropped me. I told him to let me die. Never mind, I need to get up. I then whispered into his ear, "I am going to go find the garends, to go think there for a bit." I then walked into the dressing room. I drugged into my bag to put on comfy chloes on. I didn't feel like being so fancy at all.

Walking down the hall was nice and easy, but I stopped here and there because I felt eyes on me. Why is it when I am alone I feel eyes on me? I don't know but I kept walking down. I started to humm a sweet toon to the sound but the meaning to the song was deadly. I forget that song name but I really like it. I think my mother sang it to me when going to bed.

As I was walking down the hall I remember that I don't know where the garden was. So I looked around to ask a servant where it was, but the hall was like a ghost town. The hallway was too quiet. The only other thing I heard outhen my voice was the flames flicking on the walls. So I kept wording the halls in until I found someone, or the garden, whichever comes first.

I kept walking, I was getting bored. So I decided to open the next door I passed. It was like every mile there was a new door. Walking this much was making my legs tired. Finally I was that happy a door was coming up. I went to go knock on it.

" Yaaay, who's there, do you know what time it is?"ardingly tired someone spoke behind the door.

"Um, I am sorry, but I am lost." I spoke.

" Well, come in I guess, I maybe can help that I am up now." the prison said.

I then opened the heavy thick door.

"I'm sorry again" I told the person without seeing their face.

"Oh, it's you Angle.Why are you up at this time of night?" Leos asked with a little more joy.

"Well, I thought it was morning so I wanted to go see the gardens."

" I guess you didn't see them the outer day did you."

"Hah, yeah, that's right."

"By chance did my father tell you how he found you?"

" Nope, do you know how by chance?" I asked, wanting to know but my stomach roared.

" When was the last time you ate?"

"Um, the day before the party."

"Really, why?"

"Well, one I was not allowed to eat before the party."

" That was before you came, Why have you not eaten here?" leos asked with a lot of concern for me.

"I don't know, I don't eat that much anyways. Why does it matter?"

He then grabbed my arm and pulled me out of his room.

"We are going to find you food now." he told me. Loes was polling me half way down the hallway. It seems like we are going faster now. I was racing to keep up with him. I then suddenly tripped. I yelped from the pain.

" oh, let me help you up." loes then helped me up. He then gave me a piggyback ride.

Wow, why does he act this way tordes me. At first he was pissed when I woke him, but now he's happy to know it was me. Is he always like that before I got here? His dad can be an asshole sometime. So why does he care, why not act like normal around me?

It wants that long until we made it to the dining room. Leos sat me down in a chair.

"Well," he said, wondering what to do.

"Um, I don't think the sheff is up." I giggled out.

"Yeah, but I know there is a first aid kit somewhere in here." Loes then when off to the back.

But I feel like he is hiding something from me. Loes never answered my question about how Lucifer found me. Why would he do that? Would lie to me even if he likes me? I thought we were friends. I will ask when he comes back.

He came back quickly, and said all joyfully " I found it."

" That's great, but I was wondering something."

" yeah, what's that?"

" How did your father find me so fast?"

"Oh, I don't know, I was going to ask you if you knew." Leos said like nothing, but I knew his eyes told me something was up. It's like I knew when those eyes,and they told me that he was lying straight to my face. 

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