chapter 17

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I then realized I was in that black room again, I saw only two mears in front of me. I see Leo in the right one this time. He was sad and alone on the edge of hell. The Left mear had Demon in a grave. I wonder if it was heaven or hell. I felt a poll from the left mear this time. I wanted to go in to the right but the pull was too strong to break it.

I was walking into the left mear .Then It started to melt on me as I went through it. I then see Demon as a child running from me. Giggles filled the air. The sweet smell of roses filled the air. It was sweet. When I noted that we were In a garden filled with only black roses. I felt scared. I stopped running after Demon. I finally felt controle of my body when I stopped. Demon came up to me with a sweet incen look in his eyes. " mommy Roesa what's wrong." it what I heard.

I stared into his young eyes at this time. I didn't see what I always saw in them. They were joyful, happy,hopeful,and merry. I didn't see any demons in the back of his head. I saw his dreams and hopes for his future at that moment.

Something changed, I could feel his happy emotion drained to sadness which flowed me out of his eyes. We were at that grave again. I finally realized that the grave was only for one person. It kind of looked like a garden too, it was filled with only black roses.

He was looking down at the stone with a single light orange rose laid. It was only other color that was not so dark.

He then whispers " Roesa, Roesa, Roesa, She is so like you. I wanted her, I needed her,and she,just like you,has left me broken again."

I want to know who he was talking about, but in the back of my head I knew he was talking about me.He looked right at me and handed me a black rose.

Why do I like black roses so much? I stood there looking at the rose in my hand. Gazing into each petal. They each had their own beauty to them.

I then looked around and wanted to tell Demon a sweet simple thank you. I was not able to because I was in that blank black room again only with a mear.

I thought I would see Leo in this last mear, but all I saw was a doen dying white flowers laying on top of a blak tiled floor. My first thought was to walk away, before I saw the note tied to the roese. I walked in like nothing. I picked up the roses and started to look at the note.

" To my Dearest Angle,

I would have loved to have watched you beauty blumed in front of me. I understand it was your time to leave, but sometimes I wonder why we never left sooner. I miss you my dear so much. We all finally stopped arranging, and agreed to lay you to rest by Demons mother in the garden. I knew how much you wanted to see the garden here. At least now you can stay with the roese now.

From your last lover,


I felt the tears fall down my face. Have I died, I want to see all of them once more if I could. I really wanted Leo more than ever. This damn black room has broken me again. I was on the floor broken again like I was 15 years ago.

Crying harder than I have ever. I felt something telling me that everything was ok, and it was a test to see if I was a true angle.

I saw a bright light calling my name. So I wiped my tears a way with something black and fluffy. I was not paying attention to what it was, but I walked towards the light and found a garden filled with different flowers. I felt happy when the light was bright on my face to see Leo.

I wanted to hold him, but that's what I wanted to do before I saw her. 

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