Chapter 6

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The days have been cold since that night. He told me that he needed some space. I am ok with that, but I am not ok. I even got a new room for the night he wanted to be alone. So right now I am sitting on the nicely put together bed. It is freezing in my room. I like the cold sometimes. Like right now I don't feel ok, so I don't think I should feel warmth. I am the one who did all of this. I will never leave this room again. I don't care if I starve to death. I tried before Lucifer changed my mind.

Lucifer can be so cruel at times. He can be an ass. Now after watching him, there's always pain in his eyes. Those eyes I get lost in so many time. The eyes I love are his, not angle. I just want to know did Demon become an angel. How have I fallen in love with three people from the same family? I then made a plan up. I am just going to play with their hearts. I don't care anymore,but at the same time I might find out how to become an angle. Maybe when I leave I can fall in love with a new angle.

I hate fancy up, but I need to. I need to look my best all the time. Oh and I need to learn how to empty my mind. I have a feeling Lucifer can read it, that explains why he talks to me the way he does at times. But I need facts not to guess everything. All dressed up I walk out. Roaming around I looked like a true queen. A queen everyone respected. I stood tall and prod. I really need to get out side these wells to find out more facts,but i just want to hang low for a bit until something comes up bigger than me.

" hello, can you guide me to Leo's room?" I randomly ask one servant next to me.

" My lady Angle, I would love to help,but the Master and Leo's in a meeting for the next couple days. But if you like I could call Leos and see if you can go in for your reason ."

"Um, can you keep this quiet, I just was wondering some nights ago and I now think that my favorite bracelet broke when I was there. I would be so thankful if you just let me in for a minute or two."

"Ok, but don't mess with a thing. Leos would be fearest if he finds out I did this without his persimmon."

"Thank you so much for this." I gave the servant a big smile grinning ear to ear. I following the servant down the hallway. This time it went faster, faster than that night. It really pissed me off when he lied straight to my face.

She opened the door for me and then nuged me in to Leo's room. I wanted to know if there was something in there, Something that may help me find out if what Lucifer said that night was true. I need to know if he was lying to me or not. I need to know he was not playing with my heart.

I started to go throw all of the drawers I could see. Polling each one out fast, and rubbing my hand one each of the four sides. Then the bottom to make sure nothing was there. I did this for three drawers, when I found a phone. I powered it on. Sundly I hear the servant out side the door ask me to move faster. So I then look throw the phone .quickie. There was nothing on it, but a number. I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket,and a pen from the other. I wrote down the number. Racing to put back the phone I hear the door creak open. I pushed the drawer in and then grabbed the bracelet out of my pocket walking to the door about to thank that servant.

I was about to say thank you , when I ran right into leo. He was fierce. Anger burned like a wildfire in his eyes.

" what the fuck are you in here ?" he screamed at me

" Um...." I couldn't get the simple lie to come out. I just had my hand out holding that bracelet. Wide eyes looked up to him. I didn't need proof that they where related now. They all looked the same when mad. I couldn't speak. I just did what I wanted to do each time I saw Demon mad. I ran up to him and just hugged him. Tightly telling him it will be alright.

" I can't believe he told you that he was my brother that way."

" Its fine, I was going to find out any way."

" But... I want to tell you. I wanted you to know that you could come to me for anything."


" yes, you mean so much to me."

" mmm...." i trailed off I didn't know what to say to that .

"I know Angle, You fell in love with Demon." his voice sounded so hurt and broken.

" I don't know what to say."

" Just say you love me....please." Leo cried out to mee.

I turned around and sat on his bed. It was really comfy. My mind was just a bluer at this point, I have said so many things and thought so many too. Right now, I was screaming to be in his arms. The way he acted around me, I loved it. He could lie a hundred times and I wouldn't care at all. He's prince charming.

"What if we went over to the angles side..... And fell in love?" I asked quietly

"Would you do that with me."

" Is Lucifer home?"

" Not he's not coming back for a while, this the longest I have seen him mad. So I realy don't know."

" If I fall asleep in here will you cuddle me?"

" Of course, I don't want the lady to get cold." He Said grinning ear to ear. "But why were they you in my room?" he asked me again.

I then yond and mumbled something about how i lost a bracelet that night you helped me out .

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