chapter 20

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I didn't think I would see him this quickly. I knew time would pass. I just thought it would be like years until I saw him again. This made me happier from this day I was having.

With tears streaming down my face still I say "Why have you come? You need to be with hell,But I still love that you are here no matter what."

" Well, my little angel, I have found Demon, but he feels that you have your lover and that is Asrar. I am sorry I just felt the need I needed to tell you."

" Luci I wish I never wanted to come over here. I want to go back to how things were. I don't even want to be with Asrar."

Lucifer pulled me into a huge holding me tight. Still crying the huge made me cry more. I missed this so much. They cared for me so much, and I did the same in return. Why is it when I fall in love I get torn apart from them. It happened when I was 5 and now at this time too.

"My little angle, it's been so long since you have called me that. I love hearing you call me that. But my little angle. Time changes, and nothing happens again, what happens just my be similar to what's in the past"

I kept Hugging him, I didn't want to let him go again. I tried to keep a tight hold so we couldn't be apart. This time was going to be different. I wanted it to be different. But like it was nothing he faded away like he was never here. I seared to scream and cry out No...No..No. There was nothing anyone could do.

I then called for Asrar. He came quickly, but he kept his distance. I could feel how sturner he was, he was not pissed at me but it was like he had no emotion for me. I asked him to call for my sister to do my work as nice as I could. He did as I asked and never said a word to me.

My sister took her time to come in. Asrar and I were in that room in scilens. He never took a glance at me, but I kept my eyes on him. I didn't know what to do. I know he was hurting because of me, but he hide it so well.

I start to say the minute when my sister comes to the door." I am sorry." when I say that I saw that Asrar was happy to hear me say that.

But the look on my sister's face knew something was up. I could feel that she wanted to find what was wrong .

I grabbed Asrar's arm and pulled him out of the room. I kept a tight hold of it. I was not going to let him go. I ran with him out of the building and took to the sky with him. I didn't look back at him to see his face, But i could feel him wanting to know what I was doing.

I landed both of us at the last place we were together. He kept his space and I kept mine. I just need to know how he was feeling. He hide it so well. If was like he knew I couldn't work if I knew his true feelings. He has not stopped acting like when we were kids. Helping me to feel better.

I then stared into his eyes. Maybe if I did it long I could remember him? It's not that i don't want to remember him. He's just pushing me to love him. Asrar's eyes aren't gold like most angles, and he was different from other angles. His was a deep dark blue. Something clicked the moment I was staring into them. He was never a.... 

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