chapter 11

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Days went by, I don't think I have seen Leo for like a mouth. My heart hurt not knowing where he was. I wanted to cry each day I didn't see him. Lucifer Just stopped talking to me. The last word I rember him saying to me was " Get the Fuck away frm me. You're not her and you will never be her."

Something tells me Lucifer wants someone back, and his way to do that was keeping women around him. And I have a feeling I kind of act like the person he's trying to replace in his life.Even so he doesn't have to act like an ass hole to every one he sees or meets.

Maybe if I leave I might feel better if I left this place. I wanted to go to leo, I wanted to pour my heart out to him. He alway comfort me. I need comfort now. I want his loving arms. I miss him. I wanted to cry because It's been so long since the last day I saw him. The day he walked out on me.

Now I would like to see Demon, But the last time I talked to him, it didn't feel right. He was different than I imagined. The way he spoke to me was so cold hearted. I don't want someone like that. I don't know how I just fell in love with his looks. People's looks can be deceiving. My mother was the person who taught me that. Look what happened to her from that. Her heart was broken by a guy who only wanted her racking to please his family.There is no love that ever existed in their reaction ship. Just tear and hoes.

The one reason why I would like to see him is to know what he meant in the letter. He said to me that he would only tell me in persion. So I will go and see him for that, but something in me needs him.

I want Demon, but I knew better. Like my father ,he only wants me to prove to his family that he can get anything he wants even if he is not a devil. Because of that one thing I will never be with him.

He is the one not like his father at all. I want to say this is not true but, he's mostly like the woman that gave birth to him.... He acts like he should be from hell. I started to look at this, the reason why I like him so much is because he's a real devil living with the angels. Have I only wanted him because I have alway known what I wanted. I want the one thing my mother gave me for a better life, my name.

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