Chapter 2

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That morning was bright. I was joyful like always to wake up to go see Demon. So I jumped out of bed and ran out of the house like always. I ran and ran as fast as I could wanted to get there quickly so I could talk to him again for a longer time. But for some reason I couldn't get there it was making me pissy. Finally, I realized what happening I was running in place. So I stopped to take a breath hoping I could find out how to get there. But in sted, I felt stringes pulling me back. I tried so hard to break free. I wanted to be free. But the hard I polled to be freed, the more they polled me back. The strings polled to the pales of the king of the underworld. My fear came over me. Scared of what might happen in that place. Tring to stop, trying to get out, trying to break the thin strings polling me. But finally, they broke but once I was inside

Then I woke screaming start in bed. Clenching my blanket tightly. Screaming so loudly I forgetting where I was. I was hoping that my mother would come into my room to hug me and tell me that everything is ok. But in steed, I hear the doors banged open to find Lucifer rushing to my side. He ran to my side then grabbed my hand asking me "what happened my Lady?" I stated there with a blank face remembering that the horrible dream I just had was not a dream, it was reality.

"My Lucife I am so sorry but I just had a nightmare and it scared me so much" I told him

"Oh I am so sorry my little angle" He said comingly and standing up like he was about to leave my side like it was nothing.

"Yes, thank you for rushing to my side that made me fell so much better to know you care for me like that" I lied

"Oh, of course. Any thing for my little angle" he respond anointed with me.

" Lucife what are we doing to day?" I asked worneding.

"I thought we might go walk thow the gareds of my castle"

"That sounds so lovely"

"Well now I know you are ok, please get dressed and then come down for breakfast" He told me then stared to walk out. Sunldy he turned around and told me " Oh, i forgot, our dressing room is over there and you cloches are on the right side. Well now I should be get going and put on something lovely please." Wance he was done he walked out.

I thought he was so rude to me. It not my falt i hate being her feeling like i am traped. Afther that thought I stared to walk to the dressing room when I heard a knock on the door. I then yelled come in not wanting any one disturbing me.

"My lady, Good mroing to you and are you ok?" said leos asked me while coming in.

" Well I am now" I respond.

" What happed, why where you screaming this moring, did my farther do something" He shoot out qustions at me.

"Wow, and no he didn't do anything"

" That makes me feel better, but what happened then?"

" Oh, it was nothing I just had a nightmare"

" Well I hope it was not that bad. I hate to know how scared you where in it, but if you like to talk about it I am here for you"

"Thank you , but i must get ready for the day now"

"Ok I will see you for breakfast then" Leos told me then left the room.

I wanted him to stayed. I wanted to tell him my nightmare; tell him how trapped I felt there. But he did make me smile. I loved knowing he cared for me too. I wish that I could spend that hole day with him. He is just so sweet. I love that about him. But I am not his sadly. I am his father's. Then I gathered my thoughts and then went in the dressing room finly.

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