Chapter 10

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Sitting on Harley I look over the land, waiting for the four men to finish getting tacked up. "Do you have all of the supplies loaded up?" I turn to see Ryan walking out of the barn swinging keys around his finger. Giving him a nod I turn Harley to face the approaching man.

"Yeah, I made sure to keep it all on the trailer after doing inventory. Do the ranch hands have a list of what needs to be done?" He nods, stopping to pet my horse's nose.

"I filled your Dad in on the plans. This will take two weeks going slow, did you plan on anything else?" I shake my head looking towards the rising sun.

"That's the plan I need to get these four acquainted with the land. The in's and outs of it all, when I get back I might send you out to the hunting cabin to see how things are going, show them some more shit." I can't spend more than two weeks away from training horses, even that's stretching things a bit. The ranch's safety comes first, always has and always will.

"Makes sense, they'll be talking to you directly?" I look back at him, seeing Ryan squint up at me.

"Yeah, Dad knows I can handle the security better than he could. I have the training, and the ability to ride this land better than he can with his shit hip." I don't bother to mention the fact of those ops we pulled out on the land. I've felt myself fall back into my military mode, prepared to defend this land with my life.

"Good thing you went military then huh?" He chuckles, making me chuckle softly with an easy nod. Yeah the military kept me from ending up in jail, I was rowdy, I'll admit I started my share of fights. I shake my head thinking of Axel, he's still pissy that I broke his jaw in front of the whole team.

"Kept me from dying." Ryan nods, before giving me a look.

"It almost killed you too." I can only shrug in answer, he's not wrong. But if I lived in fear of everything that could kill me you might as well just lock me in a padded cell. The world is dangerous, no matter what you do or the precautions you take. You make good memories to make up for the bad ones, keep the lessons and end the day with a smile. That's all you can do some days.

"I'm too stubborn for that." Ryan stares at me for a moment longer before chuckling and shaking his head.

"What's up with you and the biker?" Giving him a lopsided grin.

"I don't know, we're hooking up. Nothing more and nothing less at the moment. Let me guess you heard the rumors Spiffy's Mom has been spreading?" He nods, shoving his hands in his pocket and I roll my eyes. The woman is a low life that likes to stir trouble.

"The woman just can't keep from stirring the pot, I don't think anyone believes her." I can only shrug, that's one part that backfired on Spiffy. "He had too many witnesses at the rehearsal dinner. Too many know the truth of what happened." He nods slowly, rubbing his lower lip with his thumb.

"Do we know why he's working with Mr. Callgarey?" I feel a scowl form on my face as I look away, slowly shaking my head.

"No, I still don't know what shit's going down on that front. I have some people looking into that. By the time I get back from the ride, I hope to have some answers. Dad's right, something is going on, shit's gonna be hitting the fan." I just don't know when, or how. And that worries me, I hate not knowing, the uncertainty of it all.

"What could he gain from marrying you?" I scratch my head shrugging my shoulders.

"Nothing yet, I mean the place still is joined to both Dad and I. We have to make decisions together. It's not like he'd get much from a life insurance policy from me. I'm too much of a risk for anyone to give me one." Ryan stops and looks over the land, in thought.

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