Chapter 11

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Waking up to a hot breath, crossing my face has my nose wrinkling. Opening my eyes, I'm met with Harley's nose, lifting my hand I push it away receiving a snot bath from my horse. Rolling over with my saddle under my head for a pillow, I yawn. Grabbing my bandana I wipe Harley's gift from my face. Horses are so kind some days. Sitting up with a groan, I stretch hearing cracks and pops. Gotta love sleeping on the ground using a saddle as a pillow.

The last two weeks have been spent sleeping like the old cowboys. On the ground, using our tack for sleeping gear. It's been rough, but the job is done. Today is going to be spent getting them set up in the hunting cabin before I start a day and a half ride back to the ranch on my own. Standing I see the five horses grazing, their water buckets having been kicked over at some point. The four guys are still passed out, having had to work hard the previous day.

Resting my arms on my bent knees I rub my face once more, a trip down to the water is in order to at least wash off Harley's little present. Shifting I wince, lifting my left hip I pull the rock I had been laying on, chucking it out towards the water. Grunting, I push myself up, grabbing two buckets for water. We'll have a three-hour ride to the cabin, then it'll be getting them set up, their gear, and equipment put in place. I'll leave before dark and have another night of camping, possibly two.

Stopping by the bank of the river I use my cleaner bandana around my neck as a wash rag. Washing my face and neck before rinsing out the dirt and sweat I tie it around my hair, it'll melt over my head most of the morning keeping me from melting completely. Getting fresh water for the horses, I head back to our makeshift camp. The horses gather round before I split the water between buckets letting them get their own drinks. With how damp their legs are I'm guessing they all wandered down to the water for their own drink.

Kicking West's boot, I watch as his head jerks up, looking around before blinking rapidly. "It's time to get up." He grunts, letting his head drop, apparently they didn't go to bed early enough. Chuckling to myself I grab one of the energy bars I packed for breakfast. Walking past the other's I nudge their boot covered feet waking them up. I don't doubt it'll take a few hours to get everything set up at the cabin. It'll be interesting how Harley does on his own for a night or two.

We've camped out on our own, but we were fairly close to the ranch. I'll end up taking a different way back I'm sure. Keeping close to the fencing, I'm sure a horse or two will come and visit him during the night. "What's the plan?" Finishing my canteen of water, I answer Levi.

"Well, we'll ride out to the cabin, the last leg of your ride. Then get shit set up. How are you guys feeling about the land?" I want to make sure they know the place almost as well as I do. I see some nods, I don't expect them to be fully confident with it, it's still new to them.

"It'll take some time. But I think we have a good idea of it, I do at least." I nod at Sawyer's answer.

"That's good, you'll have a map and can reach me if you need anything. I'll have you guys working two more weeks, but after the next group gets their training, you guys will be on a week schedule." I see them nod, it'll take time to get them all situated, but I hope they straighten up soon. I don't need whatever shit storm is headed my way to blow up in my face.

"Will we only have horses to get around?" I shake my head, looking towards Harley as he nudges my leg, bored and ready to work.

"No, there are some bikes, and an ATV out there. The horses are mainly for the long hauls back to the ranch. There are some places the horses will be a better choice to get to." It's hard to ride horses all day every day, especially when you got shit hanging.

"Good, care for the horses?" Petting Harley's nose, I stand, he's getting pushy. Chuckling as he makes me tilt.

"They'll have a pasture with a run in, make sure they have water. There's a small shed that has a hay stock, y'all should be fine for a while. I can load a truck and have it driven out. There's an access road, we'll get a car out here for you guys to get supplies." Wyatt nods, standing, forcing everyone else to their feet. So far he seems to be the Alpha of the group, I'll let them figure out their own pecking order.

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