39. You look like trash can that's been around for 20 years.

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How old are you?

Chapter 39.

You look like trash can that's been around for 20 years.


"I still can't believe that numbnut broke up with me. With me." I scoffed, not denying that it definitely hurt my ego.

"Let it go." Evan said. "It has been more than two weeks."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Where is your girlfriend anyways? She has disappeared. No calls, no messages. Are you sure she isn't cahooting with the enemy?"

Evan flinched and I could see the hurt in his eyes but I didn't care. He leaned towards Zivah. "What is with her?"

Zivah rolled her eyes. "She's gone mad. It's the breakup fever. She's throwing truth bombs which will hurt. Ignore her. I know I am."

Evan nodded but gave me a stink eye. In response I sent him deadly glare.

I looked back at the Netflix screen, looking at all the Romantic movies. "Stupid movie." I muttered looking at The Ugly Truth. "Useless Hopeless movie." I said to Crazy Rich Asians. "What a load of crap." I screamed at The Proposal.

"All stupid movies that made me believe in love. Dumb directors. Dumb writers. Dumb actors." I looked at the two friends who looked at me with scared eyes. "And don't even get me started on Nicholas Sparks books and Nora Roberts. What do they know about love? I'll tell you – nothing, nada. Delusional little people. Ugh. You want to know about love? I'll tell you – it sucks! S-U-C-K-S. It is stupid and you should never love again. No one should ever love again."

Evan whispered to Zivah in a low tone. "Do we have to stay here?"

Zivah nodded. "Yes, at least now she's talking to us. Yesterday she was talking to the Ice cream tub, complaining about how those love quotes are all lies and the whole world is filled with hate." She paused, pointing at the two empty Ice cream tubs. "She ate it all. In one sitting. That's DEFCON 2."

"What's DEFCON 1?" Evan questioned curiously, his chin resting on his palms.

I continued to look at them, barely blinking and with an emotionless face. "I should go to Las Vegas." I suddenly said. "Get married. Get kids. And then send all those images to that bastard. That will make Alex jealous. That will make him regret leaving me." I grinned, complexly happy with the idea. I clapped in glee. "Las Vegas! Wohoo!" I screamed, waving my hands in the air. "Let's packs kids. We are getting me some semen."

"Oh God." Evan breathed out, his eyes widening.

Zivah patted his back lightly. "And that is DEFCON 1. Major delusional ideas and senseless suggestions."

Evan turned to Zivah with a worried face. "She isn't really going to Las Vegas, is she?"

I frowned at them. "She? We!" I corrected. I drew a circle with my forefinger. "We are all going to Vegas."

"This is not how I planned a trip." Evan grumbled.

"Myra, just go to sleep." Zivah said.

I frowned at her. "Why do you keep telling me to go to sleep? You said that yesterday when I suggested we throw stones at Alex's window. You said that the day before yesterday when I said I would hack into Netflix and take down all the romantic movies."

Evan's head snapped to Zivah. "She did what now?"

"I didn't hack into Netflix. Zivah told me to sleep." I twisted my lips at my best friend. "It's like you didn't want me to hack into Netflix."

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