Chapter 51

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''He didn't tell me what happened either, Mel'' Trent shrugged sadly with his arm wrapped around Quinn's waist. We were sitting in a booth, close enough to the counter so we could talk to Meg and Dylan too.''I did everything I could to get him out of that black hole, trust me. But something is killing's just a matter of time before he relapses again'' He added, making us all sadly sip on our drinks.

After talking to Ethan, I knew he already relapsed by then. I knew how addicts took things. I knew how they dealt with their feelings. I knew all about it, from childhood.

''I don't care anymore'' I muttered under my breath, placing my cold glass of water on the table. It took everything in me not to get shitfaced drunk. I just had to tell myself that I'd be a hypocrite if I allowed myself to do that.

''We all know that's a lie, Mel'' Quinn rubbed my back in a comforting way.

I grunted, not really caring about other people's opinions at that moment. 

''Speak of the devil...'' She huffed, nudging Trent with her elbow to make him follow her gaze. I turned my head too, spotting a completely disoriented Ethan by the bar's entrance. He stumbled a little, his shoulder slamming into the wall but that didn't stop him. He continued to make his way towards Dylan, his eyes were hazy.

I watched as he sat down on the barstool, letting his head drop into his hands. He groaned, loud enough for us to hear.''I fucked up again'' He admitted, still not lifting his head from his hands.

''What's up?'' Dylan greeted him, glancing at us before pouring him a drink.''You alright bro?'' He gave him a light reassuring pat on the back.

Ethan looked up at him, barely keeping his eyes open.''I'm high again. Shocker, I know'' He nodded at his own words, his movements slower than normal. I had never seen Ethan in this state before. He was always strong, never vulnerable.

Dylan's eyes met mine and Ethan noticed this straight away.

''What are you-"

He cut himself off, a sour look creeping up onto his face.''Oh,'' He nodded again, looking away from me. I watched him exhale heavily.''Just tell me, is she actually sitting there? Or am I so fucking far gone I'm imagining her everywhere I go?'' He asked Dylan with a pained look in his eyes.

My heart ached at his words.

Dylan nodded slowly, passing him a glass. He was about to take it when he stopped, getting up abruptly.''Fuck y'all'' He growled, storming away.''I don't need any of you!''

''Bro, think this through'' Dylan spoke to him, successfully catching his intoxicated attention.

Ethan stopped, running a hand down his face. He was shaking all over and I desperately wanted to help him. Flashbacks of helping my mother when I was younger invaded my sober mind and it felt unbearable. 

''There's nothing left...'' He looked Dylan right in the eye with little to no emotion.''Nobody's left''

''E, think about your mom-''

''She's dead'' Ethan interrupted Trent with an empty stare. ''Has been, for a while now'' He added, turning his gaze to meet mine now.

My breath hitched in my throat at the news.

''Why didn't you tell me?'' Trent stared at him with tears in his eyes.

I blew out a heavy breath, my hands starting to shake. It all started to make sense all of a sudden. Our fights, him disappearing all the time, him distancing himself from everyone...and now drugs. How did I miss all of this?

Saving Melanie DeenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz