Chapter 52

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One week after Graduation

''Melanie?'' Julia called from further inside the apartment as I walked in through the door. I felt mental and physical exhaustion. Ever since graduating, I started to spend every spare moment of my time in the library. I was constantly researching careers, trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life. It was hard, considering the fact that I never even thought I would be going to college.

Julia, Vincent, and I decided I'd take a year off after graduation to find myself and figure out what I wanted to do. But for some reason, I felt the need to figure it all out in the first week. Yeah, I was kind of losing it.

And I knew exactly why I was trying to keep my mind off other things.

It had been forever since I last saw Ethan.

Since we shared our first-ever night together, to be exact. 

After that night, I woke up in his new apartment all by myself. I felt confused, to say the least. At the time, I thought that we were finally okay. I thought that we moved onto a new level, that we would finally be together. I didn't know why I suddenly felt so sure.

But waking up all by myself after our first night...

Broke my heart.

So I walked out, shamefully going back to Julia's apartment. Nobody asked any questions and I was beyond thankful for that. Having everyone question what happened the night before, would've been the last thing I wanted.

The last few weeks of school rolled by smoothly and I was feeling confident about exams. Everything almost felt okay and I would've forgotten all about our shared night if it wasn't for one little detail.

Ethan was absent the entire time.

Trent didn't know where he was, Quinn didn't know, Dylan didn't know, Tyler didn't one knew where he was. He just disappeared.

And I had to deal with it.

''Oh hey, hun'' Julia appeared with an apron tied around her waist. She had flour on her nose and fingertips.''How was today's research?'' She asked, genuinely interested in my answer.

I was slowly getting used to an adult caring this much about me. And the warm feeling I got every time she spoke to me with her caring voice, was honestly growing on me. I felt loved.

''Meh, it was alright'' I shrugged, slipping my shoes off and strolling into the kitchen.''I'm still unsure about everything'' I added.

Vincent sat at the small dining table with a newspaper in his hands, carefully reading every piece of information on it.''Hey, Melz!'' He greeted me with a bright smile. 

I smiled at him in response.

Vincent came over for my graduation and the three of us had the best time together ever since. He was extremely caring towards not only Julia but towards me as well. He tried his best to make us both feel loved and cared for. I could honestly say he was the sweetest man alive. And they were the cutest married couple ever.

And I loved the fact that I was a part of their family now.

''Oh, by the way'' Julia piped up as she went back to kneading the dough she left on the kitchen counter.''We sold your house today!'' She did a little dance.

''No way!'' I gaped, grabbing an apple. I was definitely surprised by this. We were desperately trying to get it sold for a while now. Slowly, we started losing hope that anyone would buy it.

''Yes way!'' Vincent winked, laughing at Julia as she continued to dance.

''So we're moving back to your home soon?'' I asked before biting into the apple. They both nodded, failing to contain their excitement.

I knew how badly they wanted to go home, but I couldn't help but feel sad about leaving everyone behind. I had made so many good friends here. It was bittersweet. But I also knew that I needed a fresh start. I needed to leave all this drama behind and start my new life.

I had to finally move on.

''We're leaving next Wednesday'' Julia informed me as she rolled out the dough.

''So,'' I chewed the apple, my eyes glancing at Vincent, who watched us carefully.''A week?'' I asked, probably failing to hide my sorrow.

''Yes, a week'' She turned to look at me, a frown on her face.''We can host a party for you and your friends if you'd like that?'' She added quickly, afraid to make me sad.

''Yeah, that'd be nice for everyone'' I smiled at her, feeling the now-familiar warmth inside me.

It'd be nice for me too.

''It's settled then'' Vincent sipped on his glass of red wine.''You better start planning it, though'' He chuckled, giving Julia a look. I laughed, remembering how Vincent told me all about Julia's obsession with planning events.

''Oh shut up!'' Julia rolled her eyes at him, giving me a cheeky smile.

This was perfect.

Everything about this was perfect.

I finally had a family.


''Hey, Julia?'' I called her as I emerged out of my room, holding an open book in my hand.

Since moving in with Julia, I had been slowly reviving my love for reading. And as I started growing more comfortable around her, she began sharing things about life when my father was alive. She could spend hours talking about him and the things he enjoyed. One of those things, to my surprise, was reading.

''Yes, hun?'' She called out, helping me find her in the living room. She was curled up on the couch, holding a glass of water in her hand. Vincent was out doing something business-related, so she took comfort in watching Tv series while he was gone. Her favorite was 'Scandal'.

''I was thinking of going down to the bar tonight if you don't mind'' I sat down beside her, watching as she focused on her show.

''Uh, yeah, sure. Have fun!'' She waved me off and I smiled. I love her.

With her permission, I made my way back into my room and started getting ready for the night. I didn't work at the bar anymore because Julia convinced me it wasn't necessary now. But I did help out at the bar when it was needed.

As I slipped into a black satin dress that stopped just before my knees, my phone started to ring. I jumped a little at the sound, getting a little comfortable in the previous silence. 

''Yeah, Trent?'' I answered, confused as to why he would be calling me.

''He's here'' He said simply, loud commotion could be heard in the background.''At the bar'' He added, his voice coming out forced.


''Is he...'' I trailed off, unsure of what I was trying to say. High? Mad? Normal? What is he?!

''He's...different'' Trent coughed uneasily.

My heart stopped for a second. What was that supposed to mean?

''Just get here'' He muttered and hung up.

Well, this night is definitely not going to be a calm one...

I groaned, taking a look at myself in the mirror. Why did I suddenly feel like I wasn't good enough? Before I got that call, I felt completely confident about wearing that dress. And now, all of a sudden, I was overthinking every little detail about my appearance.

He left.

He left right after getting what he wanted.

He left because he was done with me.

I was just a thing that he wanted. I was something he was determined to get and he got it. So why am I surprised? Why was I disappointed? Why did I expect something else?

Because I was dumb enough to fall in love with him. But all it was...was just a stupid little game. 

A game he played well.

A game I clearly lost.

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