Chapter 19

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Fire, it was all I was able to see around me. The heat, the lack of oxygen, the blazing flames and the screams of the innocent were the only things I sensed. Desperation filled my body as I tried to get everyone out of the house. We were being incinerated, the dragon would appear in view and shoot out his deadly flames and then he'd disappear once more. His scream ringing in my ears, taking me back to the North, to the last time I'd seen my family alive. Everything I'd been through let me up to this very moment. I wasn't going to allow Smaug to take everything these people had away from them.

Tilda, Sigrid and Bain followed me as I led them outside and towards and abandoned raft; Tauriel, Legolas,Kili, Fili and the rest of the dwarves weren't far behind either. Not all of us fit inside so Tauriel and I were in charge of protecting the children and getting them to safety. All I could see was burning homes, people hurling themselves into the water in order to stop the flames from catching them and then there was the distinct smell of burning flesh.

"Come on!" Tauirel urged as I got in the raft and helped the rest of the children in.

"What are you going to do?" I asked looking at Legolas and the other dwarves.

"We'll do our best helping the people get out, we need to find a way to kill the dragon." Was all he said before him and the dwarves disappeared from view.

"My father! Where is my father?" Bain asked desperately, he looked in all directions but saw no one. I didn't want to give him any false hope so I remained silent.

We made our way through the canals avoiding dragon fire. Seeing the desperation in these people's eyes made me sick. I wanted to help them all, but I had a dutty to Bard. My mind wandered away; I hoped he was alright, his children needed him now more than ever. Where had he disappeared to? Then a crash brought me back down to reality. We had crashed against the Master of Laketown's caravan, his boat was overflowing with gold and moved slowly. I saw people trying to get in but a weasle-like man would push them off.

"What do you think you're doing!" Sigrid shouted at the man.

The master looked at her and I saw a flash of recognizion in his eyes. "Saving myself, your father is dead and you should probably do the same." His voice was cruel and he let out an evil laugh.

"How dare you!" I shouted as I took Sigrid in my arms. "They're but children you greedy old fool!" I was angry and felt the urge to go over to the boat and suffocate the man but Tauriel made me sit back down.

"We won't waste our time with such imbeciles." Tauriel said to me, but loudly enough so the Master and his pet could hear. I managed to grin but seeing Sigrid so heartbroken made me feel useless.

The boat kept moving swiftly and I could sense fear on all of our faces. Then we heard a crash of something against the water. All of us turned around suddenly and saw the unbelievable. It was Bard, he had escaped somehow and now made his way through the flames towards to the bell tower.

"Dad!" Bain yelled excitedly and before I could react he got off the boat.

"Bain!" All of us shouted in unisone.

Tauriel stared at me with anger but said nothing.

Then it all happened too fast; Bard was shooting arrows, Smaug threatned him personally, it all seemed lost but Bard with the help of Bain managed to shoot down the dragon.

"Its over." I said to the girls and to myself. What was I going to do now? I had nowhere to go and a dwaf kingdom wasn't a place for an elf.

Thranduil's POV

It had already been three days since she was gone. Without her things just seemed different. I didn't cry, in fact I didn't feel any emotions at all, it wasn't because I didn't miss her, it was because she wasn't here. Ice filled my heart once more and the void she'd filled was open again. Danger was upon us and the two people I cared for the most were out there.

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