Chapter 3.

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Sarah's pov.

My first week at Campus was kinda OK. It is a Saturday and I have a free day from classes, So I started to run my laundry and start with my assignments. Gretel was out with Poe, Again.
The door flung open and Gretel stood at the door watching me.
"Stop it. "She said before coming over and closing my books.
"Stop what?."I asked before sitting up on my bed.
"Stop being so boring."
"I'm not being boring. "
"Then let's go out, I'm meeting up with some friends at the bar. You drink right?. "
"I do, But I have alot of assignments to do."I whined.
"Assignments really?, please. Just this one time. "she said pouting and giving me her cute puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. "I said finally giving in.
"Yay!."Gretel yelled before diving into my closet. Searching for clothes I could wear. I just gathered my books and kept them on my shelves.
"You should tots wear these. "She said tossing a pink skimpy dress on the bed.
"Nah,"I replied. "Exposes too much flesh. "I added.
"I don't care. You are going to wear it. "She said before picking out a black pair of sneakers out for me to wear.
In a couple of minutes, we were both dressed and headed to the bar. The bar was crowded with alot of sweaty people. Gretel lead me to the back of the Bar that was close to the pool. She waved at Poe, a guy and a girl, Poe was kissing the girl. She was a redhead. I guess it was normal for them to share sex buddies. The other guy had Dark brown hair and green eyes. It was kinda captivating.
"Hey assholes. "Gretel saluted them.
"Hey."The redhead said pulling from kissing Poe.
"Waddup?. "The other guy said.
"We cool. "Gretel answered, "This is Sarah, she's a freshman. "Gretel said gesturing at me. Then she introduced the redhead as Caro and the Guy as Ray.
We all took seats and then they decided to play the game Truth or dare. The bottle landed at Caro and Ray.
"Truth or dare. "She asked him smiling at me. Which was weird. She was weird.
"Dare. "he said sternly.
"Kiss Sarah, Our Celeb."I thought no one here knew about that.
"You know? ."I asked, trying to make them forget about the stupid game because there is no way I'm kissing a guy I just met.
"We all know, but we don't care." Caro said before laughing. I knew she was trying to insult me, but I didn't care.
"We all have rich parents or siblings. "Poe said.
"Poe's Dad is a movie director. Caro's Mom is a super hot model, Ray's step Mom is a plastic surgeon. Both my parents are Actors. "Gretel said explaining. "and by the way, love your brothers new song, heart break." she added making me laugh.
"Let's get to the Game. "Ray said, he was so bent on having that kiss.
"Yeahh!. "Poe and Caro chorused.
"Let her be. If she doesn't want to do it then she won't. "Gretel said, I was so glad she had my back.
Before I could move or say anything, Ray's mouth claimed mine. It was so intoxicating. I want to pull back but I won't.

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