Chapter 7

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Ray's pov.

              I stood close to tap and watched Sarah wash the vomit off her shirt, there were dried tears beneath her eyes.
        "Thank you. "She said under her breath, that if I wasn't staring at her closely I wouldn't even know she said a thing.
          "It's no big deal. "I said as seductively as I could. She looked up at me and then looked back at her dress and continued cleaning. She looked really good in the black dress, she looked different. She looked like my type of girl.
        "Thank you, again. But I've got to go. Gretel might be worried. "She added before handing me my napkin that was all wet and gross.
        "No, toss that in the trash. I could walk you to your room is you want. "I asked openly and mostly because the deal with Caro and Poe was still on, and I needed to win. Badly.
         "No."She said almost yelling. "I'll be fine, don't bother about me. "She said before walking away. Then she turned back and waved. "Goodnight Ray. "She said before she went through the door.

                           *   *   *
           My walk back to my room wasn't all bad. I looked down at my phone and it was already around 11:04pm and I had 4 missed calls from Dad. I didn't want to talk to him so I switch my phone off. Ever since mom died dad has been trying to apologize, he was trying to fix our bond, but I didn't want it to be fixed. I wanted to hate him. He hurt me and mom so bad, He eventually got me anything I wanted. Of course he would with his rich Wife's money. Shit.
           When I finally got to my room, Poe was fast asleep with a redheaded girl in his arms, Classic Poe.
          I hurriedly get into the bathroom and have a quick shower and then got comfy in my my sleeping robe. I laid in bed and turned on my phone, then I saw a text from dad. It read.
            We'll be visiting your school
             In a week time. Prepare for
That text really pissed me off,  I had my usual plans anytime they visited. I'll drive to my spot and stay there till Poe calls to tell me they got tired and left. I never wanted Dad to think that he's gotten his big old family back. I turned sideways and stare at my moms portrait picture I had on my bed stool close to my lamp and alarm clock. Anybody who saw the picture would definitely think she's my girlfriend, because she was so pretty and hardworking and yet looked so young. If only Dad didn't leave her, I finally closed my eyes and thought of nothing but Her. But her image was replaced with Sarah

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