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Everyone stood outside Granny's diner as Snow told them about her dream. The Evil Queen paid her a visit last night and told Snow to offer up her heart and for David to offer his half of Snow's heard or the Evil Queen will use the contents in the bottle that the Evil Queen left her. Snow didn't know what the Evil Queen had planned for the town if they didn't give her the half hearts.

Snow presented the bottle to them, "If we don't give in to her, she'll use that on everyone?" David asked his wife.

"Yes," Snow said.

"So, what is it?" Regina asked as she picked up the bottle.

"She told me to figure it out and that if we didn't give over our hearts within 12 hours, she would use this on the whole town," Snow said, Emma reached for the bottle but her hand began shaking, "Are you okay?" Snow asked.

"No, but I have an excuse. Haven't you heard? The Evil Queen's trying to kill my parents," Emma said.

"You said we were alive and well in your visions of the future," David said.

"The Oracle said things could kind of change as we went along, but the only thing that was certain was that we died," Brooke said.

Regina looked at the bottle more and slowly figured it out, "Speaking of death, I think I know what this is," Regina said and she walked over to a small plant and poured a drop of it onto the plant. The plant turned black and it dies instantly.

"Whoa," Henry said.

"What kind of potion is that?" August asked.

"It's not potion, it's water," Regina told them. 

"Oh, I knew it. Never trusted the stuff, rum would never do that," Killian said jokingly and Brooke giggled a little.

"What kind of water?" Brooke asked when she stopped giggling.

"From the River of Lost Souls," Regina said.

Regina went quiet for a few moments, "Gold, she's working with Gold. He brought it back from the Underworld and now, if you don't give her your hearts, she can destory the whole town," Regina said to the Charming couple.

Minutes later, Brooke and Killian walked down the street, "What do you think they'll do?" Killian asked.

"I don't know," Brooke said and Killian took her hand, "I don't know if there's even a third way."

"Your parents will find a way," Killian said and looked at her, "Don't think too much about it."

"I'll try," Brooke said and sighed before resting her head on his shoulder, "I'm a mess."

"Yes you are, but it shows something special," Killian said and Brooke glanced at him confused, "You have a big heart and that makes you, you."

Later, everyone was at Emma's house, sitting and standing around the kitchen looking at the water from the River of Lost Souls, Belle was there.

"You don't seem shocked that Gold brough some of this back and gave it to the queen," Emma said.

"I'm not," Belle said, "He's not acting the man he could be. I wish I could help, but I-I've looked through all my books for any information, on how to neutralise water from the River of LostSouls, but I'm afraid there's nothing, I'll keep looking," Belle said.

As Belle was about to walk out, Mother Superior walked in, "I'm sorry to interrupt. I came as quickly as I could, David called and told me what happened," Mother Superior said as she looked at at the bottle.

"Can you help?" Snow asked her.

"Unfortunately, I don't have a way to conteract the Lost Souls water," Mother Surperior told them.

Both Are One [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #6 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now