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Emma, Brooke, and Gideon walked back into Brooke's house, "You sent Killian away on the submarine? You took him away from me?" Brooke looked at Gideon.

"And you'll get him back as soon as we destroy the Black Fairy together," Gideon said.

"Now you want our help? You have a funny way of asking for a favour," Brooke said.

"I suspect, without a little nudging, I already knew the answer," Gideon said.

"Answer's always the same," Emma said.

"Then I suggest you reconsider because given the protection spell I placed over him, he can't return to your sister," Gideon answered Emma.

"We'll find a way," Brooke said and used her magic to choke him.

"I have your tear, remember, Sorceress? I'm the only one that can bring him back," Gideon said.

Brooke glared at him and knocked him backwards, Emma watched in shock as Brooke walked to him, "You tried to kill us with that sword and you failed and no you think you can bully me into doing your dirty work? I will never help you, if you don't bring Killian back on your own, I will make you do it," Brooke said and punched him in the face, making him turned, lip bleeding.

"Do you really think you frighten me? Do you think anything frightens me? You have no idea what I've been through, I was raised by the Black Fairy. Do you know the depravity in her soul? If I don't stop her, no one will. Hundreds of people are depending on me to save them, children, that I swore to protect. So, you think you're so righteous. Do you think I'm the bad guy? You are so far wrong, Saviours. So, yes, you bested me, but now we have a common cause, whether you know it or not, so I would think love and hard badly you want to see you Captain again. I will not give up on my mission or my word," Gideon said looking at Brooke before he disappeared in smoke.


The next day, Emma and Brooke met up with Snow outside Gold's shop and told her what happened last night.

"Gold! Get our here now! I've got questions and you better have answers," Brooke said as the three walked in.

Belle and Gold walked out of the backroom, "Well if you want answers, I suggest you start by asking nicely," Gold said.

"She's done asking nicely," Emma said.

"Your son has a death wish, which, if he messes with me one more time, I'm happy to fulfil," Brooke said.

"And I'm happy to help, we've been looking for some mother and daughters bonding," Snow said.

"What did he do now?" Belle asked.

"He banished Killian to another, he's using him as a bargaining chip to force Emma and me to help him to kill the Black Fairy," Brooke said.

"He did?" Gold asked.

"Yes, he did. Now, we know nothing about this Fairy, but we're guessing you do," Emma said.

"Yeah, she's my mother," Gold said.

"Your family tree is just amazing isn't it?" Brooke said.

Gold glared at her, "She stole Gideon from the Blue Fairy, took him away to another realm where time moves differently tortured him for 28 years," Gold told them.

"Why would she do that?" Snow asked him.

"To hurt me," Gold said.

"Her own son?" Snow questioned.

"That tells you all you need to know about her," Gold said.

"Brooke, please don't hurt Gideon. He was not born evil. No, she made him this way. If you help him, though, he will be on the side of good. I... I'm certain," Belle said.

Both Are One [OUAT | Two Saviours Series #6 | Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now