13 🐈 Catra

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If Adora was going to leave me behind to go and have fun in the woods with Glimmer and Bow, then I wasn't simply going to stay behind and do nothing. I had things that I wanted to figure out. For one thing, Entrapta could be in serious danger and while the majority of the time I probably would have left her to it, I had a really bad feeling about things this time around. I was going to find out where she was even if Adora had left me behind. What did she expect me to do, anyway? Stay at the palace? As if. And to think that I thought Adora knew me well. I mean, I was twenty-two. It wasn't as though I was a little kid venturing into the forest with no idea about what I was doing there. I had been a Force Captain at one point! I just wished that Adora trusted me, that she believed in me because at the moment it really didn't feel as though she did.

I knew that I may have been smaller in comparison to her eight foot tall warrior princess self, but I wasn't weak. I could handle myself out there. Why wouldn't she let me prove my strength? No matter what Adora thought was for the best, I knew that I could help out. I just wasn't so sure if I even wanted to anymore. I mean, she had left me. Was I supposed to just wait for her to come back? I don't think so. Besides, I had a lot of pent up anger over the whole Adora leaving me situation to deal with before I even considered speaking to her again.

"Hey, Catra, buddy," Scorpia started to say, as she entered my bedroom later in the day. I really hoped Adora was okay. I mean yeah, she had left me and my claws were currently digging into the skin of my hands because of it. However, I knew that this was something that I was going to have to get past. The only problem with that was that I didn't want to get past it. She had left me. Again. For her friends, of course, but she had still left me! I wasn't sure if I would ever be able to let that go. An expression of concern appeared on Scorpia's face momentarily before she spoke again. "Is everything okay in here?" she asked me. "I mean... You don't have to keep everything to yourself, Catra... I'm here for you," Scorpia said.

"Adora and the others just up and left the palace. They left me. That's all you really need to know. The point is, they're now gone," I said.

"Oh," Scorpia said, as she rubbed the back of her neck slightly, "I mean... I'm sure they'll come back soon. Do you know why they left?" she asked.

I growled.

"I don't know. Entrapta's gone... Now they're gone. I'm not staying here, though. I'm not going to wait until they get back, which is why I'm on my way out, as soon as possible," I said.

Scorpia's brown eyes widened slightly, then.

"Well, I want to come with you. The woods are dangerous and-"

"Yeah, whatever, fine, Scorpia. You can come with me," I said.

"Really?" Scorpia asked me, as her eyes sparkled with wonder.

I sighed but soon couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, Scorpia. Really," I said.

"This will be amazing! Just like old times, really. The super pal duo back at it again," she said.

I felt the corner of my lips twitch up at that.

"Yeah, Scorpia, it'll be just like-" I began to say.

"What are you two up to?" Perfuma asked, as she wandered into the room.

"Jeez... Is it everyone wants to talk to Catra day or what?" I asked.

Perfuma gave a dismissive shake of her head.

"Actually... I was kind of looking for Adora," Perfuma said. "I thought this would be a good place to look for her," she added.

"Yeah well... Adora is currently AWOL. She's gone out in search of Entrapta , who also happens to be the person that we are going to leave in search of imminently, so if you could please just..." I trailed off, Perfuma was giving me puppy dog eyes. "What? Scorpia... Why is she looking at me like that?" I asked.

Scorpia just gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I want to come with you! Entrapta is my friend and if you're leaving in search of her then... I want to come too. I want to help," she said.

"No. No way. We've already decided on a plan and we don't need more distractions," I said.

Scorpia just gave me a sweet smile.

"Come on, Catra, you're being so stubborn. Just let Perfuma come with us. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to help out! Besides, I've seen how powerful she is. Let's go- all together," Scorpia said.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, then. This time around, the both of them were giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, fine. Perfuma, you can come too just... Stick to the plan, please," I said.

"You can count on me!" Perfuma said with a bright smile to reveal her pearly white teeth.

At least I would be well-protected if the two of them came with me. They were both ridiculously tall. Of course, not She-ra level but they towered over me.

I folded my arms in front of my chest and sighed.

"Alright. Then let's get moving," I said.

"Yay! We can do this all together!" Perfuma said excitedly.

"Now, team Catra, let's get moving!" Scorpia said.

I smirked in a mix of gentle amusement and satisfaction.

"Team Catra, huh? I like the sound of that..." I said, as we began to make our way out of my room and down the hallway of the palace of Bright Moon.

"Of course. We're on your side, Catra, always," Scorpia told me, with a warm smile.

I gave her a smile in return.

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now