54 🐈 Catra

286 4 13

The following morning, Adora cuddled up to me and smiled. 

"Morning, Adora," I said, as I sleepily rubbed at my eyes and yawned. 

"Good morning, sunshine," Adora replied, as warmth filled those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. I probably could have got lost in them. Actually, I was starting to but now was not the time! We had robots to fight and Etheria to save...again. I sighed. I hoped that this wasn't going to be a regular thing but I had a feeling that we were going to have to help look out for Etheria time and time again. It wasn't a problem, though, I knew just the people to help protect it. 

Adora and I were probably going to have to keep a closer eye on Entrapta, though, when she next went inventing something, just to ensure she didn't end up constructing killer robots again. Fortunately, the robots hadn't actually killed anyone yet, thanks to us...but we could never be too careful. 

Adora sat up in bed and an ambitious expression took over her face again. 

"We are going to do this today, Catra. I know we can! We just have to work together and then we can save everybody!" she said with excitement. 

I gave a nod of agreement, as I sat up next to her and took her hand in mine, to give it an encouraging squeeze. 

"Of course, we can," I said. 

Adora and I soon began to get ready for the day ahead and she soon wandered over to the pink curtains to open them up a fraction to allow bright white light into the room. 

"It's snowing!" Adora said excitedly. 

I rushed to her side and pulled down the sleeves of my red shirt, as I continued to get ready for the day ahead. 

"Wow. It is!" I said, "Maybe Silver out there will freeze up and then we won't have to worry about fighting him!" I added. 

Adora gave me a look. 

"Catra," she said. 

"What? I'm just saying," I replied nonchalantly. 

I expected another response out of Adora but I soon noticed that she had grown incredibly quiet. As I glanced towards her, I observed that she was looking a little tense. 

I stepped behind her, so I could gently massage her shoulders for a second. 

"Hey, don't look so nervous. It's making me nervous," I told her, "We've got this, Adora. I know we have," I said, in an attempt to reassure her. 

Adora exhaled and her shoulders seemed to relax slightly. 

"Alright. Let's go," Adora said. 

We soon made our way into the hall and found that Bow, Glimmer and the others had all arrived with their outfits and weapons at the ready. 

Adora fetched our cloaks. She place my one over my shoulders and gave one of my shoulders a gentle squeeze. 

I smiled, as I put the cloak on the rest of the way. 

"Alright, people. Let's go," I said, as Adora and I began to lead the way out of the palace. "Now, we can't just be running about here, there and everywhere. We need to keep organized. We're still not entirely sure if Silver is going to be arriving alone or with his little friends, so...Glimmer, Bow, Perfuma and Scorpia- you guys stick together. Mermista, Sea Hawk, Double Trouble, Adora and I can form another group," I said. 

Adora met my gaze and gave a nod, as her expression became one of admiration. 

I gave her a reassuring smile back, as the others began to comply with my ideas and we formed the separate groups on the east and west side of the palace. 

For The Honor of Grayskull (A Catradora Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now