Chapter 28 - Deli

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"Thank you so much, Kim. You did great as always. I think I got an email from your company saying they changed their invoicing process. Is that right?" I ask while reviewing the photos for the marketing campaign for a new soup brand on my camera.

"They did," she rolls her eyes. "You'll get an invoice directly instead of your client. It saves them time chasing for multiple payments. It's what they told me." 

"Don't blame them. You can put whatever terms on an invoice and can count that they will take double the time to pay. Are we on for next week on site?"

"Yes, for the coffee thing. I'm glad I'll get to do something more contemporary."

Kim heads to change from her vintage mom outfit into her street clothes. I hook my camera to my computer and take a quick look at the photos together with my assistant Manny, who besides being an excellent makeup artist has helped me arrange and re-arrange food ingredients according to the type of soup. With a job well done, I send him home and busy myself working on the lighting of the first photo I liked. Kim looks beautiful and you wouldn't believe that she's only 21 years old. Her dream is to become an actress and I believe she will make it. Now she portrayed a mom in her 30s and other times she's done shots for teen magazines, plus everything in between. Next week, we'll be shooting on site at a chain restaurant to promote their new coffees.  

I'm about to put a cold cup of coffee that I served myself I don't know how long ago when a hand holds mine. I smile when I see the silver nail polish on the fingers... Erin. I turn around to find not only her, but her parents as well.

"Hey, guys! What a welcome surprise! What brings you around?" I kiss Erin and hug her parents. It's easy to get used to their affection.

"We were about to have dinner at Cesar and Annette. I've been telling them how amazing are the sandwiches at that place. My parents wanted to check if you were done already and if you wanted to join us," says Erin.

"I'll be done in a few. Can you believe it's Friday already? This week flew by. Let me make a backup so that I can work the photos when I'm home and then I'm all yours."

Lars lifts an eyebrow and my cheeks getting warm. He then breaks into a grin and I realize he's teasing me.

"Do you mind if we take a look around the studio?" Gretchen asks while admiring a photo of a skyline I have hanging on the wall.

"Be my guests. There are more photos in the next room. Hope you don't mind the mess in there. It's my storage."

The Sommers scatter around and I take the chance to check my email, make a note about Kim's invoice and grab something I will need later. Kim comes out of the bathroom and has changed into very tight jeans and a long sleeve sweater that hugs her curves.

"Well, I'm going home," she walks towards me rolling her little suitcase.

"Thanks again. I'll see you next week."

"We can see each other earlier. Why don't we meet up for drinks sometime?" She kissed my cheek dangerously close to my mouth.


I feel so embarrassed when I see Erin standing next to us. This can't be happening right now... Not today.

"I'm Erin. Matt's girlfriend," she smiles and offers Kim a hand.

Kim's mouth forms an 'o' and her cheeks turn bright red. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know Matt had a girlfriend. I'm Kim," she shakes Erin's hand.

I'm freaking out internally. Erin will assume the worst and break up with me. I love her so much and it will kill me if she does.

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