Chapter 11

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"I don't see anything," I shook my head and look straight on his eyes.

"stop lying, who are you exactly?" he asked an absurd question again. Yet again, but my condition is too unstable to answer his question.

"you're, you, you're hurting me," I was trapped inside his emotion.

But he tightens his grip more, "does it still hurt," he's asking me while gritting hi teeth.
Because of the pain that felt by my arms is getting deeper and more hurt, I screamed, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM HERE EXACTLY?"

He paused for a moment, then both of his hands let go of me and caused me to lose my balance and fell to the floor. I look up and saw him confused, he began to look left and right, I'm definitely not forgetting about his emotional state, that made me want to comfort him. But he's not a open person for sure.

"I'm sorry,"

That's his last words before he went outside.
I quickly went to close my door and locked it, this is a valuable lesson that I learned here.

Do not interfere into someone's life.

Even though I'm not interfere directly, but looking or seeing someone is on their weak state is not something I should be looking at.
That's kind of rude, I had been sitting on my bed and becoming a detective by myself, I'm solving the problem of why is my face is in the frame that he was holding earlier.

With the help of the big screen movies that I watched every Saturday and Sunday during my normal world, I can make my own conclusion saying that I might be his girlfriend, but born in next life.

Is that called reincarnate?

But I've read before, in this world there are many twins or people who resemble, or happen to be have a similar face with us, and we don't know about that person's existence. But the more I dig inside my head, I had the thought that the world couldn't had such a coincidence.
I keep thinking about it, I keep thinking about it, I feel bad because I live and stay in his house and he probably didn't want people to see his weaknesses.

The more I think about it, the more scared I become, my crazy imagination is knocking outside my brain one more time, they start to tell me that Cody is keeping me here for a purpose, he's one of the psychopath that will torture me soon or later, so I had to find a way going out, and I shouldn't follow him in the first place, and I should-,

"will you shut up please? I'm tired, not today I beg you," I convey a message to my brain, how childish is that, but it won't stop until I say stop.

I keep thinking overthink and overthink until I'm lying on the bed without me realizing it, and feel asleep after that.

Please, please, please, I hope you hear me
I don't wish for anything, but let me pay all my sins in my next life
Just let myself traveled back to here once more time
And let her finish what is should be finished.
Just let her flip this hourglass
And shot this gun.

The bullet came out and I heard a loud bang that woke me up from my sleep, what happened to me, and what kind of dream is that.

I woke up to see my surroundings are still not normal, and to be honest, I'm okay with that, I have no problem with that. I think I'm sick to ask that what kind of sickness that I have, that made me want to stay here, this is not your life Georgy.

I'm sure you're stealing someone's life. You're taking an advantage on someone's life to escape the bitterness of your world Georgina.
The sounds of door knocking called out for me, who else but Cody were up this early? I went to open it, I shyly lowered my head and waited for him to mutter one word.

"Do you want to come with me to town to see the show today? Have you seen it before? Today's Monday so there is a lot of food being sold on the street.," he talks without feeling nervous or scared at all.

"Oh, yeah, yeah I'll go with you then, can you give me 15 minutes? I'll get ready," It looks like I'm the one who's nervous.

He waited me to get ready, he waited me outside my room while I'm getting changed without doing anything, he's just zoned out in his chair.

He didn't even notice that I was out from the room so I called him, "Cody,"

He heard me, he gets up from his chair and went to wear his brown coat that has been hanging there since yesterday, after he's done, he went outside with me following him behind.

I have always like vintage style, vintage clothes that usually displayed on magazine, or on television, but I didn't ever expect to wear them, I don't know a lot about fashion, so I thought it might be weird if I wear that to school, I will only be my school is laughing stock if I dress like now.

Like now, I was the center of attention from a minute ago until now.

Cody turned his back and irritated asked, "do you know how to dress properly?" then he let out a deep breath.

His eyes are looking at the sky now, and I still doubt the truth of this, where he only wear brown coat combined with his brown shoes too, and yet simple but looking good, his hair is shining black, his hands are holding a pocket watch, his blue shirt and long black pants that made him look more like a man who's wandering in ancient times, and helping the police to solve a piles of cases.

Detective. Yes, he kind of giving me that feel.
Is it right for someone to be so perfect in his figure?

"why would you wear a long pants after wearing knee length dress? you look normal on the day we met actually, I thought you're someone who enjoy fashion?" he talked to me while showing a mocking expression.

"I do know how to dress up, no need for you to ask that, and I don't need your help," I answered calmly without getting angry and annoyed.

"I never told you that I want to help," he spoke out with relax feeling swimming inside his body.

I was surprised for a moment, but I need to calm down, there's no need for being angry over small things.

"in that case, don't say anything? yes right, just shut your mouth," I smiled arrogantly on these last words that I thought I'm winning on this conversation.

"why should I listen to you? he sarcastically asked me while leaning his tall body towards me, and continued, "I don't want to stay quiet,"

"what will your late girlfriend feel after witnessing yourself being happy in this time?," we are bothered by familiar voices, and here's the person which I want to stay away as far as I can.

"I forgot to introduce myself before," he walked closer to me, and made me automatically took a step back.

"I'm Vincenzo," without me realizing, he had already whispered in my ear.

"from now on, we will be seeing each other often, and don't forget to greet me if you saw me," he said while showing all his teeth, grinning from ear to ear.

"let me figure it out who exactly you are," his last words before he become one of the problems in my complicated life.

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