Chapter 17

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Clearly that's Martha, but there's something beneath them, that made them didn't have the urge on saying hello to her, they have this perception like she is not someone that anyone can get close to.

Because they remain standing there, the two of them of course becoming a center of attention, so that made Martha took a glance on them, and when her eyes met them standing in the middle of a busy crowd, she rose from the chair and quickly ran towards them, she gave them a hug, and that's enough to made them freeze more on their spot.

"what brings you two here?" She asked them a question, but they're too amazed to answer.

"we're, we," Cody answered while scratching his head.

"we're here for holiday," Vincenzo conquered his panic and answered her.

"holiday?" curiosity drawn on her face, "on what occasion?" she continued.

"I'm just graduated from high school," Vincenzo proudly answered.

"wow, and you too?" her happy face with big smile is getting more visible as he asked Cody.

"no, I never went to school," Cody shyly answered her.

"sorry, I didn't mean anything," she felt guilty after asking him.

"no, it's okay, you don't know that I don't go to school either," Cody smiled.

"why don't you guys joined us? there are my friends that you both saved then," Martha suggested them while waving at her friends.

They hesitated at first but Martha grabbed both of them and dragged them towards their table. They sat down with them, ordered food and eat with them, within a few hours, Vincenzo is already getting to know them, and getting closer to them, because their topic of conversation is the experiences and unique lessons that they had in school, they exchange their experiences on that, and made Cody fall behind their talk. Martha seems to notice that Cody stay quiet for a while, so she asked him a few questions.

"then Cody, what are you doing all the time," Martha asked him with her smile still on her face.

"I'm a painter," Cody shyly answered again. He's to shy that he had to look down.

Martha nudged Cody that is exactly sit beside her and said, "finish your food, you didn't even touch it,"

He nodded like an 8 years old boy that just meet a new person, and grabbed his spoon, and continued to eat.

"you're a painter, wow, then can you draw me?" Martha asked him with a begging eye.
Martha stared at his eyes for a while, and she received a nod from him, that made her scream in excitement and smile so much, and her friends told her to stay calm.

"promise me? Promise that you will draw me," Martha held out her pinky finger in front of his face, and Cody link it.

"I promise I will," Cody answered her.

"then today's meal is on me," with then Martha grab her purse and run into inside the restaurant.

After that, they went to a lot of places, they become friend with Martha and her friends suddenly, and both of them just found out that she's from Texas too, but move out to New York to pursue Martha's studies, Martha is two year younger than them, so she's still in high school. They had dinner together, they walk together, and accompany Cody and Vincenzo to their hotel.

When they say goodbye to each other, Vincenzo went inside first, Martha's friends went into their car with their driver. Cody smiled and waved his hands towards her, told her to go, he turned around, his steps were held by his hands, Martha gave him a small paper that containing the address of her house.
"can we exchange address, I'll write for you," Martha said to him while smiling.

But her smile slowly fade away because Cody doesn't respond her, it made her feel guilty.
"forget it, if that made you uncomfortable," Martha looked sad as she answered that, little did she knows, his heart flutters so much until he can't answer her question.

"do you have a pen?" Cody build up a courage to ask her.

"yes? oh, I do wait," Martha search through her bag and giving him the pen.

He pulled Martha's hand gently and wrote his address on her palm.

"I'll write for you too, now go home safely, your driver is waiting for you," Cody said as he looks behind, Martha is a bit shocked from his behaviors now.

"you should talk like this earlier, I thought you're not having fun," Martha said while she's smiling because of the happiness from inside her heart.

Cody just answered her by a nod, and Martha went to the car, the driver opened the door for her, and she went inside, Cody standing there waiting for her car left.

Martha waved good bye from the window, and Cody did the same.

And the car left.

Cody went inside but he saw Vincenzo waiting for him inside, he's standing at there for a while, so he's already witnessing what they do at outside.

"what are you doing here?" Cody asked him while trying to hide the small paper that contain Martha's address.

"I should be the one who's asking that to you?" Vincenzo asked back while hiding the empty emotion that he felt.

"let's head back to our room," Cody suggested and Vincenzo agreed on that, as he didn't see anything earlier.

Vincenzo still not asking Cody what is the things that Martha gave to him, he pretends that he don't see anything. After they arrived at their room, Vincenzo's feeling writhed in sorrow, but he hid it cleverly, Vincenzo sat on the sofa in his room looking out to the window, seeing people still walking around at this time, he stays silent with a heavy heart.

"what are you doing? Just sleep, we still have plan tomorrow," Cody said after coming out from shower.

"I'll get ready to sleep," Vincenzo get up and went to the bathroom.

How he feels now can't be described. He's trying to distract his mind by telling himself they're just want to get to know each other, they're far than a journey called lover. He's inside the bathroom and looked at the mirror, he asked himself,

So, what if they're a lover? So, what if they want to get close to each other?

He had never felt this kind of feeling before, these doubt that he felt.

That's just the beginning of the love triangle between them.

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