Chapter 19

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Their life after New York holiday life went as usual, Cody keep drawing and painting, Vincenzo went to take a college entrance exam, failed twice, but succeeded on the third time, and as time passed by, they forget about the question that they were asking each other at that moment.

About the plan of writing to each other between Cody and Martha, never happened before. But the address that Martha gave to him, he keeps it safely in his desk drawer, they both were waiting for each other to start writing first, but none of them were starting, they're waiting.

About Vincenzo, he got accepted in the college that near Cody's house, he's even planning on staying at Cody's house because he's lazy to wake up earlier and went there with transportation. But his mom against that idea, his mom afraid that Vincenzo will become a troublesome person if he went out from his house, and live somewhere else, and never come back again.

But as always Vincenzo's a trouble maker, as much as his mom stopped him, and restrained him, the more he wants to be done.

Even though he don't staying there every day, on weekend, he would pack up his clothes and some snacks and then after Friday class, he went straight to Cody's house and playing with him, at some days on weekends, Cody were busy drawing on canvas and he would staying at Cody's home studied the book and writing study materials.

Days passed by, months passed by, and it doesn't feel like it's been 6 months since they were on New York trip, and it's feel surreal for them to adapting on their new life style, since young Cody has always been waiting for Vincenzo to finish his school and went to play together it's become a routine, after all, Cody is the one who made the promise that he will waiting for Vincenzo at the outside gate every day until he graduated, and finished his school period.

"just until when you're going to be like this? Your mom is going to worry about you," Cody said to him as he mix the color of the paint on the palate.

"you're the one who promised to wait for me every time I finish my school," Vincenzo answered him as he laying down on the floor while reading book, and he continued as he flip to the next page, "don't forget the promise buddy, you didn't even wait for me outside my college gate, you're breaking the promise,"

The promised that Cody made, is starting from the first day they met, it is when Cody fell down from stairs and hurt his knee, so Cody's dad who sell fruit on road with other street vendors were shocked that Cody the young boy who's really careful and quiet, suddenly cried because he hurt his knee. Afraid that something is going on with his bone, his father brings him to Vincenzo's dad to cure him.

But he's too coward to let the doctor check, so he's just hanging around his dad, seeing that made Vincenzo impatient, because of what he sees is a spoiled child who's a coward and keep crying until his eardrum is going to explode, he went to him.

"just let my dad check your wound, if it's not hurt then, you have to wait for me outside my school gate every day after I finish school, until I graduated, I don't care what school you went to," young Vincenzo who is already a arrogant boy said that, and Cody nodded on that.

The result is it is not hurt at all, Vincenzo's dad lightly cleaned his wound and his wound is not severe, it is just Cody's too shocked after falling down, so he need people to calm himself, so promise is a promise, the day after Cody got hurt, he really went outside the school gates to wait for Vincenzo, and on that day, they're finally getting to know each other's name, it's turns out Cody went to the hospital one more time by himself and ask the doctor directly where's Vincenzo's school is.

"I'm only saying that to make you be brave, you really did wait for me, don't do that again tomorrow," Vincenzo coldly said as they sat down on the swing.

"why?" Cody asked him out of confusion.

"just don't come and wait for me anymore, don't you have to go to school?" Vincenzo asked him back because seeing him don't wear any uniform.

"I never went to school before," Cody said as he looks at Vincenzo.

"so, do you have friend?" Vincenzo asked him again, this time he's facing him.

"no," he shook his head as he looks down on his feet, "because I don't go to school,"

"going to school doesn't make you have friend you know; I'm attending a school but I don't have a friend either, you're not much different than me anyway," a young Vincenzo said that as he's so older already.

Cody smiled hearing that, and said, "let's be friend then,"

Vincenzo looked shocked, but he's happy at the same time, he never got a chance on becoming a friend with people that he met at school, so he's happy finally there's someone want to be his friend even though he already knows how bad tempered he was.

"okay," Vincenzo hid his happy emotion and act rudely in front of Cody.

"hey but that promise is after you finish high school, not after you getting a degree on college," Cody responded at his statement after finishing his color mixing, he turned around and asked Vincenzo,

"then how long you want me to wait?, until you become a doctor?," and then both of them laughing at Cody's question.

That's how the story of them become close, until then they're still with each other. They never once fight, even in Vincenzo's worst mood, he would never release it on Cody, that's how nice he is to his own friends, as bad as the jerk Vincenzo, he teaches Cody how to read, so that Cody can read newspaper and books.

"you're ridiculous, I mean school, of course until I become a doctor, that time then, you can stop waiting for me at my school gate then," Vincenzo said as he put down the book he read earlier.

"why would I? you're not a child anymore," Cody said to him while turning his body around and smiling.

"Cody's not the same Cody anymore," Vincenzo jokingly answered that and sighed, he continued, "I'm sad to know my only best friend is changing," and both of them laugh at Vincenzo's joke.

The friendships bond of them is too strong, if they stopped becoming friends, that must had a big reason behind that.

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