Chapter 31

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End of Flashback

"that's not entirely Cody's fault too," I said while hearing the full story from both of them.

Vincenzo sighed, "there's nothing we could do now, she has been buried underground as well"

"can't you switch your words become a nicer?" I glared at Vincenzo who has been rude for this whole time.

"I can't, you just find out?" Vincenzo lifted his right brow while saying that.

I shook my head slowly and turned my gaze to look at Cody who had been feeling down since then.

"it's not your fault," I smiled as I said that, "Cody it's not your fault, I mean it," I continue to comfort him by saying that is not his fault.

"it's your fault saying that, now he's feeling guilty and blaming himself," I glared at Vincenzo after received a silent treatment from Cody.

"why is that my fault? I didn't do anything wrong," Vincenzo said while standing up to put the first aid kit box to the drawer.

"can you do a favor for me?" Cody suddenly speak up.

"yeah?" I answered his question before I know that I response to him this fast.

"can you?" He makes sure again that I can do him a favor.

"don't say that you're going to help him even before you know what kind of help he wants from you," Vincenzo said while walking towards us.

"can I draw you?" Cody asked it quickly, seeing that Vincenzo is coming to get involved with this.

"why?" I asked Cody while look at both of them ignoring each other.

"I didn't get the chance to draw Martha, and you're technically her doppelganger," Cody sighed again, and looks down.

"sure, just draw me" I answered him without hesitation.

"sure, let's do it tonight" Cody said while get up from his seat and went to his room, he closed the door and locked it.

"don't you think he's a little bit arrogant for asking a help?" Vincenzo said while showing his unpleasant look on his face.

I shrugged and answered him, "I'm not sure, but can you please ignore him for being like that? He's sad"

"and am I not look like I'm sad?" Vincenzo talk back to me after hearing I told him to be nicer.
"you don't look like that" I shrugged and sighed.

"you're just like him" Vincenzo rolled his eyes while saying that.

I get up from the floor and went straight to my room, before I get in I turned around and met Vincenzo's eyes and said, "thank you for treating my wound nicely, you should go back to school and become a doctor after that, stop hanging out with the thugs, they're giving you a bad influence" I smiled and went to my room, I closed the door and locked it.

I searched for another book to read by look through every cover of the book and found the one that really intrigued myself. Before I went to the bed to read, I stopped walking as I saw a red cover book slipped behind the pile of book that being displayed on the drawer. My hands went it and grab the red book and turned out to be Martha's diary.

"is this the book that Cody been wanting to know about?" I thought while studying it.

"should I read it?" that's what I thought.

My curiosity had been eating me alive, so I decided to flip the first page and only read it on the first page, I promised to only read the first page of the book.

Although it is so rude to read someone's diary.
I still give it a shot.

I hate today, really, Josephine had been showing off his brand new bag and Lani's crying about his cheating boyfriend, my mom keep nagging at me for no reason because dad's not coming home for two days, it's not like dad's went missing too, dad is just went to a business trip.

But today is not so bad too, Cody is letter is coming today, I waited for 30 minutes outside and it didn't disappoint me at all, he sends me a lot of his paint, somehow its cheer me up, at least he's still can make me happy at times like this.

I don't even like piano but mom keep insisting on let me continue, really a waste of money, they can save my music tuition fee or use it on something else, one day I heard that dad is running out of money, still they sent me to a good school. Just what kind of pride they still have even they know that I can no longer go to my prestigious school.

Good night my books, let me talk to you the other time.

Just like I said, my curiosity had been eating me alive, I continued to the next page.

I still hate today, I'm not going to write you regularly but today I hate just today, Josephine and Lani went to a trip together, but I can't went with them because I don't have money, dad's not willing on giving me more allowance, so I didn't join them on this trip.

But letter from Cody still keeping me alive somehow, I feel better after reading the letter he sent, but one thing is pissed me off somehow, Vincenzo that guy named Vincenzo's sending me letter too, I replied him too, he's just a waste of time, although I give the permissions on letting him know my house's address doesn't mean that he can shamelessly sending me those trash, trash should know their place without someone reminds them. I already had enough bad day for today and plus his hand written trash just getting on my nerves more.

He's just a trash, his letter too, so I threw it after I opened it, I do really hope he didn't send those anymore, but I keep getting it and the trash is no longer trash, he and his letter should just die and buried under a pile of trash.

I don't like visiting you, because the purpose of me visiting this nonsense book is because I need something that can make me feel better, and I feel better while writing on this paper, but meeting you is really making me feel wretched. Anyway, I hope I didn't meet you tomorrow.

"I don't know that she's this rude" I thought while getting curious about what kind of person she is.

The next page is her ranting about her friend, and some of them were talking about Cody light up her day, some of them were cursing about Vincenzo, she's no longer said that he's a trash, she even cursed him to die if he really send her letter one more time, a few of the pages were her talking bad about her friend and her parents, she's just rude.

What I see next is more surprising, and made me can't believe someone like her can make Cody fall in love with.

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