3 - His Arrival

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After staying up nearly the entire night talking, we fell asleep at four in the morning, only to be woken up four hours later. "Get up!" Hermione ran into our room, shaking our shoulders. "She did that to me too," Ron stood behind her groggily, still in his pajamas. "There's pancakes for breakfast, don't let Fred and George eat them before we snag a couple," she smiled, running down the stairs. "Alright," I rubbed my eyes, taking off Draco's sweater. I still wore my gray sweatpants and white tank top from last night.

I threw my hair into a pony tail, then walked downstairs with Ginny. We sat next to each other, digging into our stacks of pancakes covered in strawberry and chocolate sauce. "Pass the whipped cream, would you?" I asked Fred. "Here you go," he threw it across the table, and I caught it swiftly with my hand. "Fred!!" Molly yelled at him. "She plays quidditch, she's got good reflexes," he insisted. "Apologize," she yelled. "Sorry," he smiled at me. I shook my head laughing, spraying whipped cream all over my pancakes. "Here," I handed it to Ginny.

We all snarfed down our pancakes, Sirius and Lupin taking part in our mess. "You two still act like children," Tonks giggled, giving Lupin a small kiss on the cheek. "Do not," he smiled. "Yeah, we definitely do," Sirius took another bite of pancakes.

"Harry arrives tonight," Ron exclaimed. Ginny blushed at his words. Ginny had obviously told me about her little crush on Harry, but she thought nothing more of it. She'd like to remain friends with him for now as Ron made things a bit awkward. We sat and read magazines all day in the living room until sunset. We watched as Lupin, Tonks, Mad Eye, and a few others left to go get Harry. I wonder how they'd get here.

We waited for around thirty minutes in Hermione and Ron's room, watching out of the window, the sky completely dark. Suddenly, Harry and the others flew down from the sky, riding their broomsticks onto the green in front of us. They walked inside, Mrs. Weasley ushering Harry upstairs. We weren't allowed downstairs for the meeting that was occurring that night. As the door burst open, Hermione jumped on Harry for a hug. "Are you alright?" she breathed nervously. "Nevermind breathe Hermione," Ron scoffed. "I'm alright," Harry mumbled, obviously upset at what had happened.

I stood up, giving him a warm hug. "How are you?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm alright," I smiled. I let go, revealing Ginny. They exchanged a small smile. "We heard them talking about the dementor attack, you've got to tell us everything. And this hearing at the Ministry, it's ridiculous, they simply can't expel you, It's completely unfair," she ranted. I sat back down next to Ginny. "Yeah, there's a lot of that going on at the moment," Harry muttered. "So what is this place?" Harry asked. "Headquarters, the order of the phoenix," I answered. "It's a secret society, from when Dumbledore was fighting you know who," Hermione said.

"Nobody could've put this in the letter I suppose?" Harry scoffed. "We wanted to mate, we really did," Ron said. "Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything," I said quietly. "Dumbledore said that? Why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe I could help, I mean, I'm the one who saw Diggory get killed," he ranted, getting cut off by a loud snap behind me. There sat Fred and George. "You need to stop scaring me like that before I shit my pants," I yelled at them, hitting Fred over the head with my pillow.

"Thought we heard you ranting Harry, don't bottle it up mate, let it out," George said. "Anyone want to hear something more interesting?" Fred held up an ear. "What the bloody hell is that?" I asked. "It's a speaker, so we can hear what's going on downstairs," he smiled.

We walked to the top of the stairs as Fred slowly threw the ear downwards, holding it up by a string. "If anyone has a right to know, it's Harry," Sirius said. We could hear everything through the speaker. "He's not a child Molly," "He's not an adult either," she refuted. "He's not your son," Sirius hissed. "He's as good as," she answered. "Who else has he got?" She said. "Me," Sirius replied. "Hopefully Harry won't grow up to be like his God Father," Snape broke up the conversation. "Snape's part of the order??" Harry said confused. "Apparently," I said.

Crookshanks jumped out of Hermione's arms, running down the stairs. "Oh bloody hell," Fred whispered, as Hermione's cat began to swipe at the ear, eventually pulling it down and eating it. "I bloody hate your cat Hermione," Ron said. "Well, we'll be eating down in the kitchen," Molly smiled up at us, letting out a scream as Fred and George apparated behind her. "JUST BECAUSE YOU GET TO USE MAGIC NOW DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO WHIP YOUR WANDS OUT FOR EVERYTHING!!" she scolded them as they ran away. I giggled. "Hungry, you all?" she sighed, letting us through the door.

I sat next to Ginny, Tonks on the other side of us. We laughed as Tonks did a pig nose, then a duck beak with her magic. "Show him, he'll find out soon enough," Mad Eye suddenly said. I hadn't been listening in on the conversation, but it sounded quite important. Sirius handed Harry the newspaper. "He's been attacking Dumbledore as well. Fudge is using all his power, including at the Daily Prophet, to smear anyone who claims that The Dark Lord has returned," Sirius explained. "The Minister believes Dumbledore is after his job," Lupin added. "That's insane, no one in their right mind would think-" "Exactly my point Harry, his mind has been twisted and warped by fear," Lupin explained.

"Fear makes people do terrible things Harry, the last time Voldemort took over we almost lost everything we hold near to us," he sighed. "I'm afraid the Minister would do anything to avoid this terrifying truth," he continued. I looked down at my hands. Suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore. Everyone at the order was aware of my situation, along with my magic. At least I didn't have to hide anymore. "Fourteen years ago, Voldemort had thousands at his command, not just witches and wizards but a matter of all dark creatures," Sirius added. "We think he might be after something. Something he didn't have last time," Sirius looked at Harry. "What? Like, a weapon?" he asked. "Enough," Molly intervened. "He's just a boy," she explained, sending us off to bed.

We all went separately into our rooms. Ginny and I talked about the meeting. "What do you think Voldemort wants?" she asked from across the room, both of us sitting up in our beds. I held my pillow in my arms. "I, I think I know but I can't say it out loud," I sighed. "Harry," Ginny looked at me. "He wants what he didn't have last time. To kill him," her voice cracked. "Yeah," I whispered, getting under the covers. Voldemort wanted to kill Harry.

He wanted Harry's head on a damned silver platter.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя