26 - Life After Death

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Sirius winced as the spell hit him right in the chest. Harry stood in shock as Bellatrix smiled evilly at him. "Sirius?" Harry whimpered. "No, no," I sobbed, my father clutching me tight into his chest. I shut my eyes with as much force as I could muster, turning into my Father's shoulder. Harry's petrifying screams filled the air, Lupin holding him back tightly as Bellatrix ran off into the corridor. "We've got to go," my Father said quietly. We ran down the hall, hand in hand, and I couldn't help but notice the tears that fell down his cheeks.

We met up with the others in the corridor, Lupin following somberly behind us. I was still sobbing when we stopped, clutched close to my father. "What happened? Where's Harry and Sirius?" Tonks asked. "Sirius is dead," my father whispered. Everyone stood in shock. "We've got to find Harry, he went after Bellatrix," Lupin sighed. He'd been crying too; I could see the pain in his eyes.

We ran off quietly, in attempt to find Harry. We searched the entire Ministry, eventually coming upon Harry sprawled upon the ground, Dumbledore hunched over him. We stood and stared as he seemed to groan in pain. "You're the weak one, and you'll never know love, or friendship, and I feel sorry for you," Harry whispered. A cloud of glass shards surrounded him, Dumbledore stuck on the outside.

"You're a fool, Harry Potter," Voldemort formed in front of our very eyes. I held my Dad's hand tightly as we watched in awe. "And you will lose, everything." The Ministry officials appeared by floo network, Voldemort smirking as he dissapeared.

"He's back," the Minister exclaimed. "took enough people dying for you to realize that," I scoffed at him. "Caroline," my father held me back. I decided it would be best if I shut my mouth.

We were escorted back to Hogwarts by portkey, and were sent straight to our dormitories. We wanted to stay up and talk, but we were all so exhausted that we passed out in our beds the second we laid down. Harry was so upset he had to get a draught of peace potion from Madam Pomfrey.

My father and the rest of the order were escorted immediately back to Grimmauld Place to arrange Sirius' funeral along with personal items. They'd have everything prepared for us when we returned.

I awoke the next morning, and didn't feel like moving, or even eating. Instead of saving Sirius I couldn't help but think our actions are the reason he's dead. I saw Bellatrix, I should've killed her instead of letting Lucius out of all people calm me down. I should've been stronger.

Ginny and Hermione decided to go downstairs for some breakfast. "Sure you don't want to come?" Ginny asked quietly. I nodded. I opened my window, letting the cool spring breeze hit my face. I needed a shower.

I let the warm water run down my body, wincing as bubbles got inside cuts and scrapes from the battle. I was covered in bruises, and still felt incredibly on edge now that Bellatrix knew who I was. I got out, dried myself and brushed my hair in silence. I put on a fresh pair of sweats, and laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling. The same thoughts ran through my head.

'Why am I such a liability?' 'I could've saved him,' 'It's my fault,' and most importantly, 'why didn't I kill Bellatrix when I had the chance?'

My stomach churned as I laid in my bed. I hadn't eaten since yesterday at breakfast, but I couldn't focus on my growling stomach. All I could focus on were the voices inside my head that told me this was all my fault. I winced as my door flew open. I'd become incredibly agitated since last night.

"Oh thank Merlin you're alright," Draco ran over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. And with that, I was crying. We were both crying. "I thought you were dead, I was so worried, my ring was glowing for hours," he wrapped a hand around my head, caressing my hair gently. "She knows," I whimpered. "What?" he questioned, me still wrapped in his arms as we sat on my bed. "Bellatrix knows," I choked. "About what, Dumbledore's Army?" he asked. "About me," my voice faltered. "What happened?" he asked.

I told him everything. How we took the thestrals to the Ministry. How we broke in. How we fought the death eaters in the department of mysteries. How Bellatrix found out who I was. How she'd grabbed me and tortured me. How I'd burned her. How she'd killed Sirius. How we arrived back here.

"She used crucio on you?" he held me in his lap as we sat on my bed. "yeah, she did," I whimpered quietly. "That's awful, I'm so sorry," he exclaimed, taking his hand in mine. We sat in silence. I didn't want to have to care or even feel what was happening right now. All I wanted to feel was Draco's hand against my waist, hearing him tell me everything was going to be be alright in the end. Even though I knew it wasn't; he made it sound like it would.

"Will you come try to eat something?" he asked, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I just looked at him with an exhausted expression. "For me, please?" he pleaded. "Fine," I mumbled as we walked down to the great hall. We sat at the end of Slytherin table. By now everyone held a copy of the latest Daily Prophet in their hands. It showed a picture of Harry and Dumbledore during the Ministry attack that had been captured by the security cameras.

People stared at me as I sat down. "Don't worry about them, we'll figure this out together," he smiled at me as I placed a pumpkin pasty on my plate. But I hadn't been completely honest with him. I figured it would be something he didn't want to hear, so I'd left it out. I'd left out that his father had been there.

I left out how his father had offered me up to die, first out of everyone.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now