35 - The Mark of a Death Eater

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*TW, blood and vomit*

July 2nd, 1996, Malfoy Manor


Today was the day. I sat frozen in fear in my satin bedsheets, my door locked. It was nearly lunch time, but I hadn't eaten anything. "Draco?" I got a knock on my door. "He's here," my Mother said. "I'll be down in a minute," I mumbled, my voice breaking. I threw on a suit, and opened the door. She walked me down the large, wooden, black stained staircase that led to the meeting room. My Father stood outside the doors.

"Are you ready, Son?" he asked strictly. "Not like I have a choice," I sneered at him. "Don't give me attitude," he hissed, striking my shoulder with his wand as I winced in pain. "Go," he said. I looked to my Mother. She gave me an apologetic look, as if she wished she could stop it. The doors opened, and there he was. In my house. At my table. My stomach clenched.

"Ah, Draco," The Dark Lord smiled evilly. I sat down in front of him, Mother and Father sitting on opposite sides of me. "First we will discuss your tasks. Your first task is to repair the Vanishing Cabinet in the room of requirement," he said. "What's that?" I asked quietly, my stomach rising in my throat as I tried to contain my fear.

"Ah, curious I see. A Vanishing Cabinet is a cabinet that allows an item or a person to travel from one cabinet to another. The one inside of Hogwarts connects to one inside of Borgin and Burkes. You will be using these cabinets to get death eaters inside of the castle." my heart dropped. "Why inside of the castle?" I asked, my voice small. "Now now, boy, let me finish," he pointed at me. My Mother held my hand tightly.

"You will let them into Hogwarts so you can kill Headmaster Dumbledore. Snape will then become Headmaster, and we will take and reform the school," he smiled. Kill the headmaster? This was a death sentence. My life would be ruined. "What's the second task?" I asked, dreading the answer. "The Bellegreen girl has become, a liability. A setback, to our plans," he exclaimed. "Some may say she's more powerful than I," he scoffed. "I'd like you to get close to her, and if you can recruit her, do so, but if she refuses, you are to kill her," he smiled at me.

Vomit was rising in my throat now, but I shoved it back down. "I can't kill a student," I stammered. "Why? Don't have the guts, just like your father?" that comment made me shrink. I sat silently. "Do you agree to these terms?" he asked. "Y-yes," I choked. "Good," he motioned my parents out of the room. "It is time for you to become a death eater," he smiled, getting out of his chair. I stood and approached him slowly. "Pull up your sleeve," he held out his wand. I pulled up my left sleeve, revealing my wrist, a clean slate for his evil doings.

His wand dug into my forearm. "Morsemordre," he cantered, black ink burning into my veins. My knees began to buckle and I tried to hold in my screams, but I couldn't. The pain was unbearable. My arm clenched, blood dripping down my elbow onto the ground as I cried. By the time it was over, my limbs were shaking. "Good," he smiled, leaving the room to talk to my parents before apparating away.

The second I knew he wasn't in my house anymore, I crumpled to the ground, drenched in sweat. My vision was blurry as I watched my Mother run to my side. "You're alright," she rubbed my back as I vomited onto the floor. "It's going to be okay, I'm so sorry," I couldn't help but see the tear that ran down her face as she consoled me. Before I could say anything, I had passed out in the puddle of blood and puke that sat on the floor.

That Night...

I'd woken up in my bed, in fresh clothes. My arm had been wrapped in bandages, covering the fresh black mark that had been etched into my skin. I rolled over to see my Mother sitting in a chair next to my bed. "I brought you some tomato soup," she smiled sadly as she placed a wet towel over my forehead. I felt like shit. "Thanks," I mumbled as I reached up to feel my face. I was burning hot.

"It's a side effect, it will go away, I promise," she took my hand in hers. "You know I never wanted this to happen," she sighed. "I know, Mum," I said. "It'll all be over soon," she got up, leaving me in my room by myself.

Choices. What are choices? By definition, a choice is an act of selecting or making a decision when presented with two or more possibilities. But nobody ever talks about the outcome that comes after a choice. We make simple choices every day, and each one steers our life in a different direction. And our choices effect others. Ever since I was born, my life had been steered by the choices of others. My free will had been taken away from me at such a young age that I thought being controlled was normal. Caroline had showed me differently.

She had showed me that you always had the choice to be happy; I just had to figure out how to find it. Maybe one choice would lead to another, and I would find myself in a world better than this one, just me and her. One without status and society; because nothing is worth it if you aren't happy.

Some people are worth making a choice for.


AHHHH thank you so much for reading book twoooo. Book three on it's way already, I can't wait to write it (it's my favorite in the entire series, not going to lie). Thank you to those of you who are sticking to my story and reading the entire series, it truly means a lot to me :) don't forget to star each chapter! I'd appreciate it if you could share this series with your friends as well, as I'm putting so much of my time and heart into it. Once again, thank you so much for reading. <3 love you, hope you like the series so far!!

- Callie

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