27 - Visions

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After I'd let Caroline go, she dissapeared. I looked through the entirety of the castle, but couldn't find her no matter how hard I tried. I just wish I'd known where she was going. I stood at the rail of the astronomy tower, looking out over Hogwarts as the sun began to set. A pack of thestrals flew above my head. I looked over the mountains in frustration.

I gave up and returned to my dormitory. Something felt off knowing she wasn't here; she could be in danger and I wouldn't be able to do anything to stop it. I was sitting silently in my bed when the ring began to glow, brighter and brighter by the minute. Suddenly, my head was thrown backwards, as if I could see what she was seeing. I was seeing through her eyes. She was in the, 'department of mysteries' my brain told me. How did I know this stuff?

There stood my father, right in front of her. She felt... Nervous. He was speaking, but everything sounded fuzzy, drowned out, like a speaker that had been engulfed in water. Bellatrix walked up behind him, and her heartbeat immediately increased. I could feel the fear rising in her blood as she stood there. The fight broke out quickly; I could hear her panicked breaths as she ran through the tall shelves.

Bellatrix was in front of her, speaking, but once again, I couldn't hear anything. I could only hear Caroline's echo of a voice clearly. "That's none of your damn business," she stammered. I could feel the fear in her voice as she spoke. They began fighting again, Caroline screaming a spell to get away as she stumbled back to the group.

The vision ended. I sat up panting, beads of sweat dripping on my forehead. Was that real? Was it a dream? Why was my father there? Another twenty minutes went by before the next vision engulfed my mind.

"Let go of me," she screamed, a hand grabbing at her arm forcefully, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. The cloud of black smog cleared as she stood, a wand to her neck. Bellatrix was holding her hostage. I couldn't tell if it was her blood boiling or mine. This time, I could hear my Father's voice clearly. "Give me the prophecy, or watch your friends die," he exclaimed. "Starting with the Bellegreen girl," he added.

"Don't give it to him Harry," she yelled. Bellatrix began to scream at her, but her words were muffled. "Last time I remember I killed two of your men and you bloody left, you coward," Caroline spat her words out at her with pure hatred. "CRUCIO," Bellatrix roared, Caroline falling to the ground. The pain she felt filled my body, tears spilling out of her eyes. "So weak, just like your mother," Bellatrix smiled evilly. That's when I felt it.

As though molten lava was being poured into my veins. She stood, now glowing brightly. "Don't say a fucking word against my mother," she roared, clasping her hand around Bellatrix's throat. I awoke again. Holy fuck, this was actually happening. This meant she'd caught the death eater's attention. They knew who she was.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. Eventually at some point between three and five in the morning I must've passed out, because Pansy came barging into my room at eight. "What?" I groaned, my head throbbed. "Look at the news," she handed me a copy of the daily prophet. "They're back, I saw Hermione and Ginny in the great hall," she ran out, leaving me by myself in my bed with the newspaper. "Ministry attack, it was real," I mumbled, quickly throwing a shirt on, running to Caroline's room.

To my convenience, the Gryffindor common room's door had been left slightly opened. I pushed inside, making sure nobody was inside. I quickly ran up the stairs, into her room. She was laying on the bed, her eyes glossed over, staring at the ceiling. "Thank Merlin you're alright," I ran over to her, pulling her into a tight embrace. With that, she was crying. My heart broke as I remembered all she'd been through, tears spilled over my eyes as I realized she's probably traumatized as hell.

"I thought you were dead, my ring was glowing for hours," I cried, running my hands through her hair, pulling her in by the waist. "She knows," she whimpered. "What?" "Bellatrix knows," she replied. That's when I decided acting oblivious was my best bet. "About what, Dumbledore's army?" I asked. I sounded stupid, but it was the best I could come up with. "About me," she sniffled. "What happened?"

She explained everything to me in full detail. Well, almost full detail. She'd left my father out of the story. I wasn't quite sure why. After sitting in silence, I convinced her to come eat breakfast with me. We walked to the end of Slytherin table, where it was empty. People stared and whispered at her as we sat down. "Don't worry about them, we'll figure this out together," I took her hand under the table gently as she placed a pumpkin pasty on her plate. We ate in silence, both completely shocked at how terribly things had become so quickly.

All I could think about that day is why she left my father out of the story; then again I didn't tell her how I'd seen and felt what she went through in advance. I guess we both had our secrets to keep.

That evening, I walked up the stone steps to the owlery, the spring breeze blowing through my blonde hair. My owl had left a letter, stamped with green wax. I picked it up, unwrapping it's contents slowly.


I cannot give you all the information here for security reasons, but as you've seen, The Dark Lord has returned. We're already planning for the upcoming war, and The Dark Lord has a task for you. It is vital to our success. We can't wait to see you when you get home in June, dear. We miss you, stay safe.

- Narcissa

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