6 - Normalcy

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I walked back to my dormitory to find Hermione and Ginny unpacking. "Where have you been?" Ginny crossed her arms jokingly. "With Draco," I smiled, walking over to my bags to unpack them. "What did you do? I presume you, 'cuddled'?" she smirked. "Yes, in fact we did," I rolled my eyes at her, unzipping my suitcase. I placed my clothes in my closet, and threw my items in my night stand and desk. Good enough for now.

Hermione, Harry and Ron had asked us to go visit Hagrid's, but Ginny and I had already made plans to go hang out with Luna. We walked up to Ravenclaw tower, the halls made of beautiful white marble decorated with blue stained glass windows. We stood at the door, waiting for the riddle. "What can travel around the world, while staying in a corner?" the door asked. "A stamp," Ginny and I answered.

The door swung open to Luna sitting on the light blue sofa in front of a beautiful fireplace. "Hey guys," she smiled, turning her head. "Hi Luna!" we responded, as she stood up to lead her to her dormitory. She opened the dark wood door, revealing beautifully painted pastel walls, flowers hanging from large glass windows, and polaroid pictures pasted above her bed. "I love your room," I gushed. "Thank you," she smiled politely.

We spent the day talking, listening to music, and reading magazines in her dormitory. Luna was incredibly sweet and wise, I adored her personality. Eventually we walked with her to dinner, sitting down at our separate tables. "How was Hagrid's?" I asked as Ginny and I sat down next to Harry. "Pretty good," he chewed on his food. "Keep your mouth closed when you're eating," Hermione yelled at him. "Sorry," Harry chuckled.

We ate then returned to the common room. "Who's up first?" Dean yelled. The crowd rose in 'ME's as we all sat around the table. "Alright, Fred versus Ron," Dean smiled. They sat down on opposite sides, setting up the chess board. We liked to have chess tournaments outside of class every now and then. We'd even considered creating a league for it, but I merely watched. I had no interest in playing.

"Brother versus brother, this'll be interesting," Ginny grinned. "Ron is a god at wizard's chess, how good is Fred?" I asked her. "He's alright," she laughed almost evilly. "Let me guess, he's really bad," I laughed. "He's better at other games, let's just say that," she smiled. We watched as they moved their pieces swiftly, but strategically. Ron won of course. "Who's up next?" Dean asked in his announcer voice.

Ron won again and again. "Alright, who wants to challenge him?" Dean laughed. "I'll give it a go," Harry sat down opposite to him. Seamus scoffed as Harry sat down. "The bloody hell is his problem?" I turned to Ginny, pointing at Seamus's expression. "He's acting like he's got a stick up his ass," Ginny rolled her eyes. "Nobody gets that mad over chess," I exclaimed. Maybe it had to do with the rumors about you know who. Some people were mad at Harry for spreading 'lies', even though he was being completely genuine.

After a few more rounds of chess, Ron was crowned the ultimate champion. Just like last year. And the year before that. And so on. Ginny and I returned to our dormitory, Hermione already sitting in bed reading. "Don't like chess, Hermione?" I giggled, sitting down on my bed with Lorelei. "Too many boys that don't wear deodorant," she scoffed. "Fair enough," Ginny snorted.

"Ugh, I don't want to have classes tomorrow," I complained as I stood up to go shower. "Me neither, dark arts is first and we have that pink pygmy puff looking bitch," Ginny smiled. "oh, how lovely it is to see your bright, smiling, happy faces looking up at me," Hermione imitated her in a high voice, her face scrunched up in a ball. "You should be an actor," I snorted as I walked into the bathroom.

I took my hot shower, quickly getting out and wrapping myself in a towel. "I saved some hot water, you're welcome," I yelled to Ginny, sitting down at the vanity to brush my hair. "Can I come in now?" she yelled through the door. "Yeah, you're good," I unlocked it. She jumped into the shower, throwing her shirt over the curtain, hitting me in the face. "Watch it," I giggled. "Sorry," she yelled. I turned on the radio. "I love this song!" she started singing as the water was running. "Oh god help me," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm out of conditioner, can I borrow some of yours?" she yelled. "Sure," I brushed out my hair. "Why are you two so bloody loud," Hermione yelled inside. "Now you are too," Ginny yelled back. "We're gonna get a bloody noise complaint," Hermione said. "Oh please, this isn't a London flat," I giggled. I left the bathroom with my towel on, locking the door behind me. "Don't drip water everywhere," Hermione said, still flipping through her book. "I won't, Mom," I joked, grabbing my silk pajamas out of the drawer, opening the balcony window to let some steam outside. The cool summer air hit my face as it seeped through the bedroom.

I changed in the closet, drying my hair with my towel as I threw it into the laundry bin. "Who's doing laundry this week?" I asked. "Ginny," Hermione replied. "Alright," I sat back on my bed. I honestly missed our daily routines. The joke filled arguments, shower rotations, doing the laundry each week. It felt good to be back.

I shut the window as we fell asleep, moonlight softly shining through the window onto our faces. I couldn't help but think about the order, and Voldemort's growing army. No matter what I did, it always seemed to cross my mind before bed. At least I had my friends.

At least I had Draco.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now