28 - Discrepancy

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May 23rd, Thursday Afternoon

Tomorrow was my sweet 16, and Draco had been distant from me. We'd spent a lot of time together as usual, but he seemed; off. Something was wrong. I'd tried questioning him about it, but he'd either snap at me or change the subject. I decided it was best to drop it, but I was keeping an eye out just in case.

Most of us had tried to move on as best we could from what happened in The Department of Mysteries, but it's events still lingered in the back of our minds. Harry had become even more quiet.

Anyways, Ginny and the twins were planning me a sweet 16 party; everyone was invited. I didn't really have beef with anyone, in fact I even got along with most of the Slytherins who were on the chill side, so I decided not to make an invitation list.

I wondered what the twins would come up with. They'd yet to be expelled for their little firework stunt, but they probably would be, so they were making the most of their time left here at Hogwarts.

Ginny and I had gone dress shopping the day before. I'd bought a light pink mini dress, and matte white pumps. I was using my silver jewelry from Draco as accessories, as usual. I told him he didn't have to get me anything, just attend the party, but he insisted.

Harry and I sat together at dinner. Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and the Twins were nowhere to be seen. "They're probably setting up or something," I sighed, eating my toast. "Are you coming tomorrow night?" I asked him. "Maybe," he said quietly, not looking up from his breakfast. "You should eat something Harry, at least a little bit," I looked at him with concern. "Thanks for caring, but I'm good, thanks," he looked up for a split second, then returned to poking his oatmeal.

"I know this entire thing is complete shit Harry, but a party could be good for you," I exclaimed. "I said I might go," he muttered. "It's my sweet sixteen, not some random party. You don't have to stay, you could wear sweats for all I care, but would you just show up? For me please?" I pleaded with him.

"Fine, I'll go," he said. "Good," I gave him a smile, then returned to my bedroom.

I spent the rest of the night drawing in my sketchbook on the common room couch, in front of the blazing fireplace that lightly lit my face with oranges and yellows. Harry returned after a bit, sitting down next to me silently. "How are you?" "I don't want to talk about it," he mumbled. "You and Draco are so alike, yet you hate each other so much," I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean?" he looked at me while I kept drawing.

"You both hide your feelings so much." "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

"Take this cauldron, for example," I set a small cauldron in the center of the wooden coffee table that sat in front of us. Harry watched curiously. "Every time you hide your feelings, you add them to the cauldron," I exclaimed, pouring water into it slowly. "But after enough pent up anger and sadness," I continued pouring, the waterline raising higher and higher. "Be careful, it's going to-" the water ran off the brim of the cauldron, spilling all over the coffee table, staining the oak wood dark.

Harry sat in silence. "Tergeo," I pulled out my wand, the water droplets on the table evaporating, leaving the table dry and warm as it was before. "So why don't you tell me what's going on before you do something you regret?" I turned to him. He looked at me, as if he was unsure what to say. "Just rant, you don't have to say anything in order. If it comes to mind, just say it," I assured him.

"I feel like I'm going bad," he began. "Like because of this connection with Voldemort it's gonna overtake me and I'm gonna become evil. Sirius was my only family, and that bloody witch killed him, right in front of my eyes, as if it was enjoyable to see me suffer," he ranted.

"Sometimes I just wish I were a muggle. I feel constantly traumatized, I can't sleep, I can't eat, I don't know what to do-" and that's when I pulled him into the tightest hug I could muster. He felt rigid, but slowly melted as my arms wrapped around him. We sat there in silence, staring into the fire in each other's arms for what felt like hours. "Thanks, I needed that," a small smile sat on his face.

"We're gonna get through this, Harry. Together."


I'd been distant from Caroline recently. She could tell. She kept asking me what was wrong, but all I did was snap in her face or ignore the question. I felt bloody terrible lashing out at her, but she stayed by my side nonetheless. She could tell I needed it. My parents had finally told me bits and pieces of what was happening back at the Manor. I didn't call it my home anymore; it had been overrun by death eaters and sooner than later The Dark Lord himself.

The Dark Lord was angry with my Father for breaking the prophecy, and now I had to pay the price for my Father's mistakes. My Mother said I would be alerted of the Dark Lord's task for me over the summer when I returned home. My stomach lurched every time I thought about it. When I'd received her letter, I'd ripped it to shreds out of anger- but I felt more fear than anything. Maybe I was just scared to admit it.

Tomorrow night I'd go to Caroline's sweet 16, pretend everything was normal for a while. Tomorrow would probably be my last night partying with her, if I was able to focus on the party at all. I told myself that I would force myself to enjoy tomorrow night, knowing what was coming when I returned home next month made me want to never leave. I wouldn't necessarily call Hogwarts my home, but with the Manor overrun I sure as hell wouldn't call that home either. Only one word came to my head when I thought of the word home. Caroline.

When I returned home, I'd have to become one of the people who took away her parents. One of the people who destroyed her home. Her life. I don't know if I can bear calling her my home anymore if it means becoming the one thing that fears her the most. Us fighting on opposite sides had come all too quickly.

I'd have to become a death eater.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now