33 - How to Understand

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June 10th, eight days until summer break

It had been two weeks, and I still couldn't figure out Draco's task. I'd resorted to snooping around his stuff a bit while he was in the shower, but there was nothing of interest that I could find. "What are you doing?" he asked, coming out of the bathroom door. "Looking at your rings," I made up an excuse as I stood at his dresser. "Why, you want another one?" he laughed jokingly, running a hand through his wet hair, a dark green towel wrapped around his waist.

"Just looking," I smiled at him. He could tell I was on edge. "What's wrong?" he asked as he grabbed his sweats from his closet. "Nothing," I replied. "Come on, be serious," he said. "I'm just- I'm really worried for next year," I sat on his bed, fidgeting with the two rings on my fingers. "No matter what happens and how many times I have to repeat myself, I'm gonna protect you, you know that," he went back into the bathroom to change, shutting the door behind him.

"I know," I said quietly. One more week of school then I'd be returning home with my Dad; we'd decided it would be safer to stay at Grimmauld Place with Harry, Lupin and Tonks. Draco dried his hair, then walked out and sat next to me. "I'm scared too," he took my hand in his gently. "Please just remember, you have a choice. Even if it doesn't feel like you do," I said. We laid down silently, Draco's arms wrapping around me tightly. "I know."

But he didn't. I knew he felt more alone than ever, even though I didn't know what he had to do. He needed me right now. "Whatever happens just know I love you," he whispered. "I love you too."


I wanted to tell her so badly. I'd received my Mother's letter back a few days ago, and my assumptions had been correct. One of the two tasks involved Caroline. I knew they'd probably make me kill her. I couldn't. I physically couldn't. They didn't know I love her, I had to make up some excuse. I had to lie. I didn't care what the first task was, I had to reason my way out of the second one. I wouldn't do it.

We fell asleep, my hand stroking her hair, grasping her tighter at every crash of thunder that blasted outside my window which was being pummeled by pouring rain. I had two weeks until the dark mark would be plastered on my wrist. When I was younger, I thought it was a cool tattoo that was a symbol of power, but now, I had something, someone, to care about. She'd changed my perspective of what mattered. I now understood how Potter had survived the killing curse. They say his Mother's love saved him that night. I get it now.


I woke up and quickly threw my robes on. We had charms first period. "wake up sleepy head," I shoved Draco's shoulder lightly. "What time is it?" he grumbled. "Seven forty, we have breakfast," I said, throwing his robes at him. He quickly got dressed, and we went our separate ways as we entered the great hall. "Still nothing?" Hermione asked as I sat down. "I genuinely can't find anything, it's frustrating," I sighed, grabbing a piece of toast and putting it on my plate.

"I'm sure we could do some research over the summer," Harry suggested. "Good idea," I smiled. Despite the craziness around us, I was happy I wasn't spending the summer alone in my room. At least Harry and I could hang out. After finishing our breakfast, we headed straight to charms. I sat down next to Draco in the back.

"Today we will be practicing your last lesson of the year, the color changing spell," Flitwick exclaimed. "The incantation is colovaria," We repeated it after him, practicing the wand movements. "We'll be using hair as an example today, so turn to your partners," he continued. I giggled as I pointed my wand at Draco. "Don't, you, dare," he said. "Colovaria," I exclaimed, turning his blonde locks jet black. "You look so goth right now," I burst out in a fit of laughter. "Colovaria," he pointed his wand at me, turning my hair white.

"DRACO!" I screeched at him. "It'll wear off in like ten minutes," he laughed. "I look like an old woman," I complained. "You're welcome," he giggled, as I punched his arm. We looked around the room to see everyone's hair changing colors. "At least it's a last fun lesson," I smirked as I watched Hermione turn Harry's hair bright pink. Ron sat laughing until Harry's wand was pointed at his face, turning his red hair neon green. "I wish I had a camera," I snorted.

Neither of them had the guts to change Hermione's hair color, knowing she'd either have a fit or get revenge ten times worse. The bell rang as our hair colors began to wear off, my light brown waves returning. "Not so old now, are you?" Draco winked as he turned the opposite way. I grouped up with Hermione, Harry and Ron as we left the classroom.

"Not gonna lie Harry, that pink hair looked pretty good on you," I teased him. "Oh shut up," he mumbled, smiling. "Not as good as Ronald's swamp water hair," Hermione giggled. "More like radioactive waste," I laughed with her, the boys embarrassed as we walked to potions. After a long day of classes, we returned to the common room.

"Well that concludes our classes for the year," I sighed sadly. "This year was pretty shit," Ginny said, sitting on the couch next to me. "You're not wrong," Hermione answered, reading a book I'd given her. "It's only gonna get worse," I mumbled. "We'll get through it, together, like we always do," Harry assured us. He was usually never the positive one, but I appreciated it.

When you experience one thing over and over, you tend to forget how much it means to you. That's how the Gryffindor common room felt to me. I never took time to just sit and take in how cozy and homey it was; it smelled of wood and cinnamon, the crackling fire lighting every piece of art and furniture with a warm glow. Hogwarts was my second home, but the Gryffindor common room was the center of it; like the heart in your chest that keeps the blood pumping and flowing throughout your body. It keeps you alive.

It was going to be a long break, and I knew I'd need my family to get through this. The wizarding world was so incredibly seperated, but nobody seemed to realize blood status and family didn't matter. Family isn't about blood, it's who you surround yourself with. Who takes care of you.

We all have a heart and blood, so why should certain blood be labelled as more valuable than others?

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now