14 - Bludger Beatings

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"Three, two, one, go!" Hooch yelled, throwing the quaffle into the air. Ginny caught it, swiftly flying through the air. I followed after her, my bat in hand, cold wind and rain pummeling down as we flew through the sky. I hit the bludger that was flying towards her with full force back into the open air. I gripped my broomstick steadily, slick rain making balancing with one hand incredibly difficult. She passed to Angelina, as Adrian Pucey attempted to interfere the throw. As I flew after them, I spotted Draco, sitting and waiting for the snitch to appear.

Thunder rumbled as Angelina threw the quaffle towards the goal post, the Slytherin keeper almost catching it, but it slipped through his hands, into the hoop. "Ten points to Gryffindor!" the speaker announced. The Slytherin boys grumbled in anger.

Now the Slytherins had the quaffle. Harry and Draco still sat in the air, eyeing for the snitch in the horrid weather. "Angelina, to your left!" I yelled as I threw myself in front of her, hitting the incoming bludger as hard as I could with my bat. "Thanks," she smiled, zooming off. Ron fended off the incoming quaffle, successfully defending the hoop. "This is bloody ridiculous, their players are too good, let's off a few," two of the Slytherin boys snickered, eyeing at me.

I darted through the air, defending Ginny in my usual position, when Pucey threw a bludger straight for my head. I rocketed it at his face, with barely any time to fend for myself. He stared me down angrily, moving out of the way so he wouldn't be hit. "What the hell are they doing?" Ginny yelled. "Targeting the beaters to win," I growled back at her in anger. Suddenly, Harry darted, Draco following after him. The snitch had been spotted.

Pucey and Flint chased after me, clearly pissed at the fact that I'd shot a bludger at their faces. To be fair, Pucey shot first. "Could they fuck off?" I mumbled under my breath, rain whipping against my face and pony tail, my uniform soaked wet. lightning bolts were now beginning to dot the sky, making the game even more dangerous.

Pucey and Flint flew up next to me. "If it weren't for your little boyfriend, we'd've knocked you off your damn broomstick by now, you little bitch," Pucey yelled at me. "Mad because I play better than you? Seems about right for your amount of toxic masculinity," I spat at him, zooming ahead. But they caught up quickly. "How dare you talk to me like that!" Pucey pushed me, making me nearly slip off my broomstick. "Don't you dare," I growled at him. "Oh, but I will," he gave me an evil smile, moving in to push me again. I had an idea.

I came to a complete stop. They zoomed ahead, looking back at me. But they didn't look confused. They simply smiled. What did I do? I thought I'd lost them. A pair of hands were suddenly wrestling my back behind me. "What- the- fuck," I growled, hitting the boy in the chest with my bat. It was one of Slytherin's boys. He groaned in pain, falling to the ground. I don't care if that would get me in trouble, he insinuated it.

Draco and Harry were still flying around the field, chasing after each other aggressively for the snitch. I flew back over to Angelina, the quaffle had gotten stolen by Pucey. Fred followed after Katie Bell, who interfered the Slytherin's throw. I protected her as she stole the quaffle, flying towards the Slytherin goal post.

"Someone get her out of here!" Pucey yelled. "Don't fucking touch me," I yelled at him, but it was too late. A boy named Derrick was rapidly flying towards me, a bludger in hand. How the hell did they keep catching them? After knocking my bat out of my hand, he chucked it into my side. I cried out in pain, trying to keep hold, but the pain was unbearable, and the rain too slick. The crowd gasped as I slipped off my broomstick, my body pummeling full force towards the ground. Cold rain dripped down my face, mixing with the tears that flowed from my eyes. The last thing I remember was a blonde boy running over to me. Everything went black.


The game had started a solid fifteen minutes ago, and I'd been watching Caroline the entire time. She moved nimbly through the air, skillfully hitting the bludgers away with her bat. She definitely didn't lie; she was bloody incredible. I'd honestly doubted her when she said she was a beater at first. She was so small, I know that sounds weird, but usually beaters are heftier, like Crabbe and Goyle. But she had as much force, if not more than them. She could probably kill someone just by punching them in the face. I giggled at the thought.

Before I knew it, I saw Potter begin to fly off. I followed after him, knowing he'd probably spotted the snitch. I caught up to him in an instant, the snitch ahead of us. I reached an arm out in attempt to grab it, but that's when I saw what was happening below me. I'd noticed the other boys' aggression during the game, but I didn't think they'd pull anything serious. "Get her out of here!" Pucey yelled. What the hell was he doing? At this point, I'd gotten distracted by what was happening. I slowed down as Potter continued chasing after the snitch.

Suddenly, Derrick was bolting straight at Caroline with a bludger in hand. "NO!" I screamed darting downwards, flying as fast as I could towards her. He knocked her bat out of her hand, pummeling the bludger into her side. He laughed as she fell off her broomstick, hitting the ground at full force. "You're a dickhead," I screamed as I flew past him, giving him the dirtiest look I could muster. "Shouldn't you be going after the snitch Malfoy?" Pucey yelled at me. I ignored him.

I landed on the field, running over to her as fast as I could. I pulled her limp body into my lap. "Come on, you're alright," I whispered. Professors ran over to us as I sat with her on the field, rain still pouring down on us, making my hair wet and messy. "Bring her into the medical tent," Hooch ordered me. I looked back at my broomstick. The game didn't matter anymore.

So I picked her up, gently resting her head on my chest, and walked her inside.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now