13 - Overnight

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I walked to the Slytherin common room after dinner. Draco opened the door for me and led me up to his dormitory. "What's wrong?" I asked, sitting on the bed as he shut the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" he inquired. "Tell you what?" I asked. Did he know? "About Umbridge," he sat next to me, picking up my hand. "I knew I had a spell to fix it anyways, I didn't think it was really a big deal," I looked at him curiously. Why was he so worried? He slowly stood up, pacing about his room.

"When I joined the inquisitorial squad, we held a meeting," he exclaimed. "About?" "Umbridge is planning to use Veritaserum and the Cruciatus Curse to force information out of students," he explained frantically. "The cruciatus curse?? But that's illegal," I shouted out of anger. "She doesn't seem to care as long as the Minister doesn't find out," he muttered. "All I'm saying, is if you do have a little group of Gryffindors going on or something, please be careful. I don't want you getting hurt," he sat back down on his bed, pulling me into his chest.

"Dumbledore wouldn't let her use that, right? I mean, someone would report her, surely," I said quietly, now a bit calmer as Draco hugged me. "I won't let her hurt you, I promise," he kissed my cheek. "It's not me I'm worried about," I mumbled. "It's getting late, I should get back," I began to stand up, but he pulled me back towards him. "We have quidditch tomorrow, you can stay with me," he pleaded. "Fine," I smirked, Draco sliding under the covers, scooching over to give me space.


I pulled the soft covers over us, wrapping my hands around her waist, holding her cozily as she drifted to sleep. The moonlight from my window lit up her hand; 'I will not be late. I will not talk back.' The last bit of the scar remained on her hand. I brushed her hair out of her face, her soft skin illuminating with a soft glow. "She won't hurt you, I promise," I whispered, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Saturday Morning

Rain poured outside my window, soft light shining through the dark clouds illuminating Caroline's locks of soft, golden brown hair as she lay asleep on my chest, her heart beating up and down slightly to the rhythm of her breathing. My hand moved under her quidditch sweater, her bare skin warm to the touch as I rubbed her back gently, waiting for her to awake. I know it sounds a bit creepy, to, you know, admire someone while they're sleeping, but knowing how safe she felt nuzzled up in my arms made my heart melt.

Her big brown eyes fluttered open slowly at my touch. "Morning," I smiled at her as she buried her face tiredly in my neck. "Hi," she smiled, reaching upwards to put an arm around my shoulder. "What time is the quidditch match?" she mumbled. "Two, it's only nine love. Shit weather for quidditch," I ran a hand through her hair as she hugged me quietly. She wasn't a fan of PDA and neither was I; she only really liked hand holding public. But when it came to cuddling, we were all over each other.

"Let's get food," she got out of bed. "Aw, no frozen croissants today?" I chuckled. "Nope," she smiled at me, putting her gray skirt over her spandex she'd slept in. "I've never watched you play before," I smirked at her, as she threw her hair into a pony tail. "Don't get too distracted, or Harry will catch the snitch while you're watching me," she winked at me before grabbing my hand as we walked out the door.

We walked into the great hall, the wall covered in rules and guidelines as we entered. I waved goodbye as he walked to Slytherin table. I sat next to Ginny, Harry, Fred and Ron who were already in their gear. "Where's Hermione?" I asked. "She insisted on grabbing Ginny's quidditch bag for her," Ron exclaimed, not looking up from his food. "Don't over eat Ron, you're gonna get sick on the playing field," Ginny said. "I'm not," Ron sneered back at her.

I quickly ate, then went back to the common room with Ginny. "I can't find it," Hermione complained as we walked into the dormitory, rummaging through Ginny's things. "It's under my bed," Ginny leaned over, grabbing the bag from underneath her bed. "Damnit, the one place I didn't look," Hermione rolled her eyes. I quickly changed into my quidditch uniform, sliding my black boots over my gryffindor socks.

We sat in the common room, hoping for the weather to clear up, but it didn't look promising. Thundering clouds filled the sky like dense smoke, rain pouring onto the schoolgrounds in buckets. "This is gonna suck," Harry muttered. "We've played in worse," I assured him. "We haven't played against Slytherin since like, second year, and of course it has to rain," Ron complained.

I understood why they were pissed off; it was especially difficult for beaters to multitask between fending off bludgers, balancing on the broom, and to add rain on top of it? I'd have to really pay attention to play this game right. We arrived to the Quidditch pitch thirty minutes early, students and staff crowding into the stadium's stands with their umbrellas and raincoats. we huddled in the locker room, avoiding the rain, until Angelina called us over. We grabbed our broomsticks, standing under the tarp to keep dry until the very last moment.

I spotted Draco across the field, but just barely. I could only see a good 20 feet in front of me. "The rain will make it difficult, and we all know the Slytherin boys are aggressive, but we've got this in the bag," Angelina yelled over the rain. Slytherin's team were all boys, but we definitely were more skilled in teamwork than them. Our team was elite, no doubt about it.

We hopped on our broomsticks, my ponytail flapping in the wind as we sat in the air, Slytherin on one side, Gryffindor on the other. "I want a nice, clean game," Madam Hooch explained strictly, eyeing at the Slytherin boys. She held the quaffle, two of the staff below us releasing the snitch and two bludgers into the air. "Three, two, one, GO!" she yelled, the quaffle flying into the air.

And the game was on.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now